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Plugin card configuration

Banno’s plugin framework has the advantage of displaying specific third-party content to end-users directly within the Banno dashboard. With no limits to the number of plugin cards, you can tailor the default dashboard specifically to fit your users’ needs.

A plugin card allows a third-party to feature content on the Banno dashboard by displaying a web page inside the item container.

Configure an external application

Before you configure a plugin card, you will first need to configure an external application. An external application integrates with the plugin card, allowing your institution to further configure additional integrations with third-party services and other Jack Henry products.

Configure a plugin card

  • Settings
  • Dashboard configuration
  • Add an item
  • Create a plugin
The title will display in the dashboard, as well as at the top of the card when it’s displayed to the user.
The description will appear when a user organizes their dashboard.
External Application
You will select from a list of preconfigured external applications.
This customizable field determines the plugin card height. We recommend choosing a height between 200-400 to fit similarly with existing cards.
As you browse through the default icons, a visual of it will appear to the right of the field. The icon you select will display in the user’s dashboard, as well as in your dashboard Add an item page.
Available to everyone
The Available to everyone setting applies only to plugin cards and controls whether all or select users can view an individual plugin card. Disabling the setting will remove the plugin card’s visibility from the users’ default dashboard. Anytime you disable a plugin card’s visibility, you should to do so within the plugin card itself and not the external application.

You can disable a plugin card for all users while simultaneously overriding a disabled plugin card and enabling visibility to select users. For example, overriding can be useful for segment testing a new plugin card before making the plugin card public to all users.

Card action (optional)
The card action allows your institution to choose a designated application that will take the user to a full-page experience of the selected application.
Label (optional)
On the end-user’s dashboard, this customizable text field displays as a Call to action within the card.
External Application (optional)
This dropdown menu of preconfigured external applications determines the page where the plugin card links to when the end-user clicks on the label. You can select the initial external application used for the plugin card’s displayable content or choose a different preconfigured external application. For example, an initial external application configures to display third-party budgeting graphs within the plugin card. If you want the label’s Call to action linked to the user’s account page, you’d select a second preconfigured external application that utilizes the relevant account page URI.
For more information on configuring a plugin card, please visit JackHenry.Dev.

Edit a plugin card

  • Settings
  • Dashboard configuration

Edit a plugin card by selecting its settings and then Plugin options.

Remove or delete a plugin

  • Settings
  • Dashboard configuration

Within the dashboard, will remove a plugin card and store it with other unused cards. You can access all unused cards by clicking Add an item.

Removing a plugin card only hides its visibility on the user’s default dashboard. If a user ever chooses to organize the dashboard within their account, the plugin card will become visible on their dashboard. As a result, this user will have the ability to re-add the card to their dashboard.

Delete a plugin card by selecting its settings and then Delete plugin.

When your FI deletes a plugin card from the dashboard, the plugin card will permanently delete and will need to be reconfigured if you need it again.

Override a disabled plugin card

When you want only a single user or a group of users to view a plugin card within the dashboard, you can override the card’s availability. You will override the plugin card at the user level by managing the user’s permissions. Overriding can be useful for segment testing a new plugin card before making the plugin card public to all users.

First, disable the plugin card to hide its visibility from all users.

  • Settings
  • Dashboard configuration
  • settings
  • Disable Available to everyone

Second, enable the plugin card visibility for a specific user.

  • Users
  • Find user
  • Permissions
  • Plugin cards
  • Enable the selected plugin card


If you’re creating a plugin card and unable to view a specific integration for the External Application, first review the external application’s configuration settings. The Link type should be set to “PluginCard”, which will list the external application as an integration option when you create a plugin card.

If a plugin card doesn’t display within Banno People or for an individual user, the framework is likely disabled in one or more locations. To resolve the issue, you will want to confirm the plugin card is enabled within each of the following places:

    • Plugin card settings
    • Available to everyone
    • Plugin card settings
    • Plugin options
    • Available to everyone
    • Users
    • Find user
    • Permissions
    • Plugin cards