
Account documents aren’t flashy, but they’re important to your end users. So when they need access to eStatements or tax information, we make it quick and easy for them to do so. While launching the Documents experience will be the same for all end users, their interaction within provider platforms will depend upon your institution’s provider and configuration.

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How does it work?

Within Banno Apps, launch points that end users use to access eDocuments will feel the same with every provider. Most commonly, end users will access documents via the Documents quick action on the dashboard. If documents are enabled for your institution, this quick link will appear with no additional configuration. The following launch points are also available:

End users can access the Documents card within an individual account:

  • Select an account
  • Documents

End users can access eDocuments through their account Settings:

  • Select an account
  • Settings
  • Documents

They can also access eDocuments starting from their user profile menu:

  • Settings
  • Select the institution under Accounts
  • Select account
  • Documents

As soon as an end user launches their Documents experience, which eDocuments they can view and download will vary on the features offered by your statement solutions provider.

Unless your institution uses a Jack Henry statement provider—such as ESI—we suggest you check out your third-party provider’s documentation for questions on enrollment, viewing statements, updating settings, etc.


Do all statement solution providers have an enrollment process?
No, not all providers offer an enrollment process. Depending on your institution’s configuration, the end user’s experience will likely vary from provider to provider and institution to institution. If you have questions on how end users interact with your provider’s platform, we recommend referencing the provider’s documentation.
How can we increase eStatement enrollment?
If your financial institution is powered by our native ESI doc integration, then you can enable the eStatement enrollment prompt to promote adoption.
Can support users enroll end users and view their documents in Banno People?
If your statement solutions provider is ESI, our ESI doc has details on enrolling and viewing documents. If you have a different provider from ESI and you have questions on how end users interact with your provider’s platform, we recommend referencing the provider’s documentation.
Can end users receive both mailed and electronic statements?
Depending on your statement solutions provider, we can possibly configure this as an option. Please contact us for more information!