
  • Marketing
  • Segments

Segments allow you to serve ads in your campaign to specific end users within Banno digital banking. The Segments screen lets you manage user segments by giving you the ability to create, search, view, and attach them to your digital banking campaigns.

Segments are created and edited using CSV files created by your institution, and grant detailed views into how your campaigns are reaching specific sets of end users.

The Segments screen

The Segments screen shows details about each segment associated with your institution.

The name you’ve assigned to the segment, as well as the date the segment was last updated.
Active campaigns
The number of active campaigns the segment is associated with, including the total number of campaigns the segment is associated with. Selecting this data lists all associated campaigns, their associated time frame, and whether the campaign is active or inactive.
The number of end users in a given segment, which can include up to 200,000 end users.

The segments shown can be searched by name, filtered, or sorted to easier find the segment you need. The View more icon on each section provides access to a collection of other functionality, outlined below.


Editing a segment allows your institution to upload a new CSV file and edit metadata that will affect how you use each segment.

Segment name
The name used to display and search for the given segment. The existing segment name is entered by default, and changing it is not required.
Upload a new CSV file to update your segment. You must upload a new CSV to complete your edits. A check box allows you to note if your CSV file contains a header row or not.
How should we identify your end users?
This will determine the unique identifier used when viewing this segment, such as username or NetTeller ID. You must chose an option to complete your edits.
How do you want to edit the segment?
Select how you would like Banno Marketing to incorporate the data from your new CSV file. Options include removing end users present in the new CSV, adding all new end users in the uploaded CSV, or replacing the entire segment with your upload. You must chose an option to complete your edits.

Once you have completed the required fields, you are able to select the Review button. You are able to view and confirm the segment’s name, the number of end users in the segment after your update, and the information for any changed end users before selecting Confirm update.


The Delete option can be used to remove segments you not longer need. If you later need access to this segment, you must to create a new segment and upload a new CSV file.


The Download option downloads the CSV file associated with the selected segment.


The View option provides a more detailed view of the selected segment, including the following information.

Segment size
The number of end users in the selected segment
The percentage of end users who have been served an ad from one of the campaigns associated with the selected segment.
The percentage of end users who have clicked a served ad.
Displays a rundown of all end users in the segment, including whether they have viewed or clicked an ad. If your segment includes more than 150 end users, you must generate a new audience report to see details about the segment.

Creating a new segment

Selecting the Create a segment button opens a dialogue similar to the Edit screen, but with only the following required information:

  • Segment name
  • CSV upload
  • How should we identify your end users?

As with the edit process, you are able to review the segment before creating it.