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Google Play Financial features instructions

During this process, you may be prompted to complete a Data Safety form. Please ignore the prompt and do not complete the Data Safety form. Our team is working on an update to that form ahead of a future deadline.
  1. After logging into Google Play, you’re presented with a list of your applications. Choose the application you’d like to complete by clicking on View App. These steps will need to be completed for all of your live applications, not just Jack Henry applications.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the left sidebar and click App Content.

  3. You’re then presented with a page stating that the Financial features declaration needs attention. Click Start on the Financial features declaration. The console may state that there is more than one declaration that needs your attention but you need only be concerned with the “Financial features” declaration. We’re in the process of working through the other outstanding declarations internally, the deadline of which is December of this year. We’ll likely be complete with these changes by the end of September.

  4. You’re then presented with the actual form. Fill out the form by checking the boxes of the features you provide directly in the application. This includes features available from your plugins and SSO options. Click Next once you’ve reviewed the entire form. If you provide any of the following from within the application, you’ll have to provide further documentation to Google about the lending provider:

  • Personal loan direct lender
  • Loan facilitator
  • Payday loans
  1. Unless your app has any of the features mentioned in step 4, you’ll be presented with a screen stating that you do not require further documentation. If you’re required to provide further documentation, please walk through that process. Once you’re done, click Save on this page.

  2. You’ll the be presented a modal, click Go to overview

  3. Once you click, Send for review, you’ll be done with the financial features form.