← Debit & credit cards

Card management for credit unions

When it comes to keeping track of the people, places and things in life, sometimes a credit or debit card ends up missing—or maybe someone no longer needs access to a card. Somebody do something quick! Time is of the essence in these possibly stressful situations, and Card management offers your end users the security and ability to quickly report a lost or stolen card, activate a new card, and control card usage directly within Banno Apps.

For access to Card management in Banno People, the admin user must have the Banno People Manage everything permission enabled.

What is it?

On the Dashboard, an end user sees Card management and an overall snapshot of information about their debit and credit cards, including:

  • Card name
  • Last four digits of the card number
  • Account name
  • Card status
    • If a credit union has MyCardRules enabled, the card status doesn’t appear on the dashboard.
  • Warm toggle switch
    • A toggle button that enables and disables a card’s usage.
    • If a credit union has MyCardRules, the toggle doesn’t appear on the dashboard.
    • Toggling the button to appear green enables the card and makes it usable by the end user. Toggling the button to appear grey disables the card so that transactions will be denied, puts the card in a warm status, and displays a Locked card status to the end user.
    • If an institution wants Card management, the warming functionality is required as part of the feature’s configuration.
  • Card services
    • Depending on the institution’s configuration, the end user can activate a new card, reorder a card, and report a lost or stolen card.

An end user can also access Card management within an individual account associated with the card.

Full Service Credit is not currently available to all credit unions.

Card status

A card’s usability status displays within Card management and the card details. Depending on the institution’s configuration, end users can change a card’s status using the warm toggle switch and Card services. Support users can change a card’s status on behalf of end users in Banno People.

Active (enable)

When a card’s issued and usable, an Active status displays. For the card to have an Active status, it must be enabled and not a warm card—the warm toggle switch displays green. In the Active status, card service functionality includes Report lost/stolen and Reorder card. Activate new card card service displays but can’t be selected.

When a card’s enabled (Active) or disabled (Locked) using the warm toggle switch, the card goes in and out of a warm status. An institution can also enable and disable the card within the file maintenance in Episys. When a card is disabled, the card’s status changes from 1 - Issued to 2 - Captured, and the reason code changes from 000 Retain to 100 - Return. When a card is enabled, the status changes back to 1 - Issued and the reason code back to 000 - Return. A card can only be warmed and disabled by the end user if the card’s in a 100 - Return status. Requests to the core from the Banno platform send the active date, reissue code, status, and status reason to Episys.

For the card activation card service to work as expected, institutions need to ensure the Send Activation Message is set in Episys.

  • Navigate
  • Management
  • Parameter Manager
  • Online File Update Parameters

Do Not Reorder

If the card record in Episys was configured to not allow reordering, the card displays an Active status. The warm toggle switch that enables and disables the card will not display in Card management, but an end user can still utilize the Report lost/stolen card service.

Locked (disable)

When a card’s issued and unusable, a Locked status displays. To Lock the card, the end user disables the warm toggle switch, and a confirmation message displays for them to cancel or confirm disabling the card. When a card’s locked, it can no longer be used by the end user until the button is toggled on again. In a Locked status, Report lost/stolen card service displays, but the option to Reorder card does not. To make the card usable again, an end user needs to enable the warm toggle switch, which returns the card to an Active status.


When a card’s expiration date passes, an Expired status displays, and the card will be unusable by the end user. The Reorder card and Report lost/stolen card services are available to the end user.


An end user can report a stolen card by selecting the Report lost/stolen card service. A Stolen status will display, and the card will be unusable by the end user—transactions will be denied.


An end user can report a missing card by selecting the Report lost/stolen card service. A Stolen status will display, and the card will be unusable by the end user—transactions will be denied.


If an end user was issued a new card and has yet to activate it, an Ordered status displays. Report lost/stolen and Active new card card services are available to the end user. The warm toggle switch is also usable.

Card services

By selecting an individual card within Card management, an end user can access card services such as activating, reordering, and reporting a lost or stolen card. Depending on a card’s status, a card service may or may not be available to the end user. Also, Card management functionality may vary from institution to institution, because card services can be configured individually. If your institution chooses to use any of these card services, please contact Banno Support through ForClients.

Activate new card

  • Select card
  • Card services
  • Activate new card

When an end user receives a new card, they can activate the card within Banno Apps by selecting the card displayed in Card management on the Dashboard. Then they’ll need to select the Activate new card card service. If a card’s Locked using the warm toggle switch, it can reactivate; cards marked as lost, stolen, or reordered can’t reactivate.

For a card to list as active in the Banno layer, its activation date field needs to populate with a date in the past. If the field isn’t populated, the institution needs to predate it in Episys.

Reorder card

  • Select card
  • Card services
  • Reorder card

When an end user requests a new card by selecting the Reorder card card service, a message—configurable by your institution—asks the end user to confirm the reorder. In Card management, an Active status displays. The warm toggle switch, Report lost/stolen, and Activate new card display but are unavailable to the end user. Your institution can also reorder the card on the end user’s behalf in Banno People.

A reordered card arrives Active to the end user. The expiration date for the old card is removed and replaced with the new expiration date post first PIN transaction with the new card. Therefore, the Activate new card card service is unavailable in Banno Apps while a card moves through the process. Requests to the core from the Banno platform send the reissue code, status, and status reason to Episys.

Report lost/stolen

  • Select card
  • Card services
  • Report lost/stolen

An end user reports a lost or stolen card by selecting the Report lost/stolen card service. When an end user reports a lost or stolen card using Banno Apps, a notice—which is not configurable—states the card can no longer be used. Once a card is reported as lost or stolen, the end user is also unable to reactive the card in Banno Apps. Your institution can also report the card as lost or stolen on the end user’s behalf in Banno People.

In Episys, cards reported as lost or stolen are assigned a hot status. Unless the card’s CloseDate updates in Episys, it’s unremovable from hot status via Banno Apps. In Episys, reporting the card as lost places the card in a 001 retain status, and reporting the card as stolen places the card in a 002 retain status.

Card filtering

To remove a card from displaying in Banno Apps, it must have a closed date. Institutions can update the CloseDate—under the access record in the card record—in Episys. Unless the institution updates the close date, cards in all other statuses, including Expired, Lost, or Stolen, display to the end user. Cards with a Status of Captured in the card record on core won’t display.

Banno People

  • Users
  • Search end users
  • Permissions
  • Card management

In Banno People, support users can manage a card on behalf of the end user to include:

  • Using Card services.
  • Viewing a card’s status.
  • Enabling and disabling a card.
  • Disabling the Card management feature.