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User Management entitlements and permissions for banks

User management offers granular permissions so that organization admins can tailor an individual’s access to money movement. Organization admins control which entitlements their organization users interact with as well as which accounts the users can or cannot access to move funds. Enterprise users can also view—and in some occasions manage—the same permissions in Banno Admin.

Granular entitlements and permissions

Because user management allows permissions to be customized down to an account-by-account basis, there are four permission levels. The different permission levels and where they’re managed include the following:

1. Institution level
Banno manages permissions so that your institution can offer the functionality to your customers.

2. Organization level

Banno Admin
Your institution manages permissions in the organization’s profile in Banno People.

3. Organization user level

Banno Admin
In Banno People, institution employees manage permissions for entitlements that allow a member of an organization to use its functionality. Currently, they can only view and not edit permissions for feature entitlements.
Banno Online
An organization admin manages permissions in User management. They can enable and disable permissions to use an entitlement and feature entitlements.
NetTeller BackOffice
Your bank manages permissions in NetTeller BackOffice.
Organization users manages permissions in NetTeller.

4. Organization user account level

Banno Admin
Your institution views the permissions in Banno People but currently can’t manage them.
Banno Online
An organization admin manages permissions in User management.
NetTeller BackOffice
Your bank manages permissions in NetTeller BackOffice.
Organization users manages permissions in NetTeller.

For security purposes, permissions can override one another. An organization user can only see an entitlement and use its functionality if that entitlement’s “parent” permission(s) are configured to allow it. For example, if an organization user needs access to upload ARP/Positive Pay, an enterprise user first ensures that the ARP/Positive Pay entitlement is enabled in the organization’s profile in Banno People. Then, the organization admin should complete the following in Banno Online:

  1. In User management, navigate to the organization user’s profile.
  2. They select Set permissions to view the organization user permissions.
  3. In the ARP/Positive Pay section, ensure the Enabled permission’s toggled on.
    • An FI employee can also validate the permission in the organization user’s profile in Banno People.
  4. In the same section, ensure the Upload ARP/Positive Pay permission’s enabled.
  5. The organization admin navigates back to the organization user’s profile.
  6. They select the account that the organization user needs to upload ARP/Positive Pay.
  7. In the Account access permission section, ensure the Enable permission’s toggled on.
  8. In the ARP/Positive Pay permission section, ensure the Upload ARP/Positive Pay permission’s enabled.

If any permissions in this flow aren’t enabled correctly, ARP/Positive Pay functionality in the account might not display or work properly.

If the member of an organization has trouble with an entitlement or accessing functionality, the following steps ensure an entitlement is enabled and permissions are turned on at the correct levels:

  • Users
  • organization profile
  • Permissions
  1. In Banno People, the institution employee checks that the entitlement is enabled for the organization.
  • Users
  • organization user profile
  • Permissions
  • Organization user permissions
  1. In Banno People, the institution employee checks that the entitlement is enabled for the member of the organization.
  • User management
  • organization user
  • Set permissions
  1. In Banno Online, the organization admin adjusts the appropriate permissions in the organization user’s permissions.
  • User management
  • organization user
  • click account name
  1. If the organization user needs access to view and use an account, in Banno Online the organization admin must enable the Account access permission in the organization user’s account permissions. Then, the organization admin adjusts the permissions specific to an entitlement.

Organization user permissions

Banno Online

  • User management
  • click organization user
  • Set permissions

Organization user permissions for entitlements display in the organization user’s profile. Within the profile, an organization admin can manage these permissions for how the organization user views and interacts with entitlements. This includes the individual’s access to Wires, ACH, and more. These permissions apply to the overall functionality of an entitlement. Because some permissions interact with others, tooltips display alongside certain permissions in the app, helping guide the organization admin to correctly enable functionality. If applicable, these dependencies are noted in a permission’s definition.

Depending on your institution configuration and an organization’s entitlements, organization user permissions may vary but can include:

  • ACH
  • ARP/Positive Pay
  • Card management
  • Stop payments
  • Transfers
  • Wires

Banno People

  • Users
  • organization user profile
  • Permissions
  • Organization user permissions

In Banno People, enterprise users can access the same organization user permissions. When an enterprise user selects View all at the bottom of the Organization user permissions section, permissions for entitlements and feature entitlements display. Enterprise users can manage entitlement permissions, but they can only view feature entitlement permissions. For managing feature entitlement permissions, an organization admin has the ability to do so with User management in Banno Online.

Organization user account permissions

Banno Online

  • User management
  • click organization user
  • Account
  • click account

The organization admin can edit an organization user’s access to an individual account and their account permissions, including stopping payments, transferring funds to and from an account, and more. Depending on your institution and an organization’s configurations, organization user permissions for an account may vary but can include:

  • Account access
  • ARP/Positive Pay
  • Stop payments
  • Transfers
  • Wires

Banno People

  • Users
  • organization user profile
  • Accounts
  • select account

In Banno People, enterprise users can view the same organization user account permissions. For managing an organization user’s account permissions, an organization admin has the ability to do so with User management in Banno Online.


Permissions that display in the organization user’s profile and their account settings are nearly identical. Depending if the organization user has permission at the organization or account level, the permission functions similarly.

Account access

The Enable permission displays only in the organization user’s account permissions. It allows or blocks an organization user’s access to the account. If the permission’s disabled, the account doesn’t display to the organization user.

In order for an organization user to view and interact with an account, Account access must be enabled.


ACH permissions are organization user permissions only; they are not organization user account permissions (not supported on an account-by-account basis).

Allows the organization user access to ACH functionality. It must be enabled if an organization user needs access to ACH. This permission is an organization user permission only; it’s not an organization user account permission.
View ACH
Allows the organization to view ACH transactions/batches.

To edit any ACH permission, first enable View ACH.
Daily ACH limit
The maximum amount an organization user can initiate per day. This field can’t be set to zero if a permission that’s dependent on it is enabled.
Initiate ACH
Allows the organization user to send ACH transactions/batches to the institution for processing.

To enable Initiate ACH, first enter a Daily ACH limit value greater than zero.
Full ACH control
Allows the organization user to take multiple actions within a batch without requiring action from a second user.
To enable Full ACH control, first enable Initiate ACH.
Initiate same day ACH
Allows the organization user to initiate same day ACH batches.

To enable Initiate same day ACH, first enable Initiate ACH.
Edit/create ACH Control
Describes the extent to which an organization user can create and modify ACH batches.
Full edit/create
Allows the organization user to create and modify ACH batches.
Partial edit
Allows the organization user to edit a receiver’s amount, transaction type (debit or credit), addenda information, held status, and prenote status.
The organization user has no ability to edit or create ACH batches.
Recurring ACH
Allows the organization user to edit recurring ACH batches during batch edit.
Import recipients
Allows the organization user to upload a fixed-position, CSV, or tab-delimited file into a batch that can only contain transaction items.
Upload ACH file
Allows the organization user to upload ACH transactions.
Batch delete
Allows the organization user to remove a single ACH batch or multiple ACH batches.
Restricted batch access
Allows the organization user to create and view restricted batches/categories that are marked restricted at the time of entry or during edit.

ARP/Positive Pay

This switch enables the ARP/Positive Pay entitlement so that the organization user has access to its functionality. It must be enabled if an organization user needs access to ARP/Positive Pay. This permission is an organization user permission only; it’s not an organization user account permission.
Upload ARP/Positive pay
Allows the organization user to upload an ARP/positive pay file.
Download ARP
Allows the organization user to download the output file created by your financial institution.
Work ARP/Positive pay
Allows the organization user to work positive pay (check) exceptions.
Work ACH Exceptions
Allows the organization user to decide to pay/return ACH exception items. This requires Account Activities Y and P.

Card management

Card management permissions are organization user permissions only; they are not organization user account permissions (not supported on an account-by-account basis).

Gives the member of the organization access to Card management and its functionality. It must be enabled if an organization user needs access to managing a card(s) associated with an account(s).
Card management
Allows an organization user to use Card management functionality. When the permission’s disabled, the organization user is unable to manage a card(s) associated with an account(s).

Stop payments

Gives the member of the organization access to the Stop payments and its functionality.  It must be enabled if an organization user needs access to Stop payments. This permission is an organization user permission only; it’s not an organization user account permission.
View stop payment
Allows the organization user to view the stop payment history.
Add stop payment
Allows the organization user to create stop payments.

To enable Add stop payment, first enable View stop payment.


Gives the member of the organization access to the Transfers and its functionality. It must be enabled if an organization user needs access to Transfers. This permission is an organization user permission only; it’s not an organization user account permission.
Transfer limit
The maximum amount an organization user can send to another account per transfer. This permission is an organization user permission only; it’s not an organization user account permission. This field can be set to zero.
Allow transfers
Allows the organization user to initiate transferring funds between internal accounts. This permission is an organization user permission only; it’s not an organization user account permission.

To enable Allow transfers, first enter a Transfer limit value greater than zero.
Transfer to
Allows the organization user to move funds to the account. This permission applies to internal transfers only. If the permission’s disabled, the account doesn’t display as an option when the organization user creates a transfer. This permission is an an organization user account permission only; it’s not an organization user permission.
Transfer from
Allows the organization user to move funds out of the account. This permission applies to internal transfers only. When the permission’s disabled, the account doesn’t display as an option when the organization user creates a transfer. This permission is an an organization user account permission only; it’s not an organization user permission.


Gives the member of the organization access to the Wires and its functionality. It must be enabled if an organization user needs access to Wires. This permission is an organization user permission only; it’s not an organization user account permission.
Work with wires
Allows the organization user to transfer wires.

To edit any Wires permission, first enable Work with wires.
Create wire templates
Allows the organization user to create repetitive—template—wires.
Edit wire templates
Allows the organization user to modify repetitive—template—wires.
Create one-time wires
Allows the organization user to create non-repetitive, one-time wires.
Edit one-time wires
Allows the organization user to edit/modify non-repetitive, one-time wires.
Edit recurring wires
Allows the organization user to edit recurring wires.
Per wire limit
The maximum amount in whole dollars—cannot be set with cents—an organization user can initiate per wire. For example, 25000.00, 14999.00, 10500.00, etc. This field can be set to zero.
Daily wire limit
The maximum amount in whole dollars—cannot be set with cents—an organization user can initiate per day. For example, 25000.00, 14999.00, 10500.00, etc. This field can be set to zero.
Dual wire control limit
Wires over this amount require a second organization user for approval. The limit must be set in whole dollars—it cannot be set with cents. For example, 25000.00, 14999.00, 10500.00, etc. This field can be set to zero.
Transmit wires
Allows the organization user to send wires. This includes sending any type of wire, including non-repetitive, repetitive, future-dated, and recurring wires.

To enable Transmit wires, first enter a Per wire limit and Daily wire limit value greater than zero.
Transmit recurring wires
Allows the organization user to send repetitive, recurring wires (ex. weekly, monthly, etc.).

To enable Transmit recurring wires, first enable Transmit wires.
Dual wire control
Requires a second organization user to approve wires that are over the dual wire control limit.

To enable Dual wire control, first enable the Transmit wires permission and enter a Dual wire control limit value greater than zero.
Transmit future-dated wires
Allows the organization user to send wires (non-repetitive or repetitive) as future-dated. The effective date must be greater than the current day’s date.

To enable Transmit future-dated wires, first enable Transmit wires.

Dual-branded institutions

For institutions that have multiple brands, feature entitlements will sync across both brands. If Works with wires is enabled for a user on Brand A, then Works with wires will also be enabled for that user on Brand B. However, entitlement permissions do not sync across brands. If Wires is disabled for a user on Brand A, then Wires will need to also be manually disabled for that user on Brand B.

View-only permission settings

Select permissions can be enabled so that an organization user views the functionality in the Banno app and cannot use it for actions such as moving funds or updating permissions. This includes allowing an organization user to view-only ACH, stop payments, transfers, user management, and wires. The ability to view-only is unavailable for card payments and Positive pay. If an organization user needs to view one or both functionalities in the Banno app, they will also have the ability to use it.

At the organization user level, adjust the following permissions in Banno People or Banno Online so that the organization user can only view the functionality:


  1. Enable the Enabled permission.
  2. Enable the View ACH permission.
  3. Disable all other ACH permissions.

Stop payments

  1. Enable the Enabled permission.
  2. Disable all other stop payments permissions.


  1. Enable the Enabled permission.
  2. Set the transfer limit to zero.
  3. Disable all other transfers permissions.

User management

  1. Ensure the organization user has the role of Viewer.
  2. Enable the Enabled permission.


  1. Enable the Enabled permission.
  2. Disable all other wires permissions.

History events

Changes made in user management (updating a permission, modifying an organization user profile, etc.) by an admin user or organization admin create history events in Banno Admin. History events display in the organization user’s Activity and can be sorted using the Permissions filter under User. Banno Activity also records history events and can be sorted using the Permissions filter under People Users.

If changes occur on core or in NetTeller BackOffice, history events won’t display in Banno Admin.

Banno Business FAQ

An organization Admin has trouble getting an entitlement to display or a permission working properly for one of their organization users. How can I help them?
Enabling entitlements and getting permissions working properly can be tricky, especially for a new organization admin. Checkout out the Entitlements and permissions section for steps on how to assist the organization admin.
What’s the difference between an entitlement and a feature entitlement?
An entitlement is the overall functionality that an organization user moves funds with, such ACH, Wires, Transfers, etc. A feature entitlement is the specific functionality of an entitlement, such as Initiate ACH, Edit one-time wires, View stop payment,  etc.