Banno Marketing

Banno’s marketing functionality allows you to create and manage ad campaigns across multiple channels. With an easy-to-use editor and in-depth views into how your campaigns are doing, Banno makes it simple to show the ads you want to the customers you want. After all, if you have the data, shouldn’t it be easy to use it?

What can I do with Banno Marketing?

Banno Marketing can create ad campaigns served in two channels: from your website and within Banno Apps. Marketing can be accessed by users with the correct permissions via the main menu in Banno People.

If you’re using Banno Marketing alongside Banno Content, we have a series of training videos to help you get started!



The Dashboard screen gives you an overview of your current ads and campaigns for a holistic look at your current marketing efforts.

The main card of the dashboard screen graphs three statistics:

The number of times ads have been served to a user.
The number of times ads have been clicked by users.
Clickthrough Rate (CTR)
The percentage of ads served that users click.

With the default view of all campaigns, you have a number of controls over the information shown. You can choose the time range shown, including custom time ranges. Selecting a new date range will provide the previously selected numbers under the numbers for the new range, allowing for easy comparison of different time frames. If you have both website and digital banking campaigns, you can choose to show only one type of campaign. Hovering over a spot on the graph will provide you the specific numbers for that time.

The second card on the dashboard gives an at-a-glance view of how your campaigns are performing, showing your best and worst campaigns for both websites and digital banking, based on CTR.

Marketing Best Practices

Make your ad campaigns as successful as possible! The best practices we created—along with information about defining goals, creating ads, and generating Audience reports—will assist you in building effective and successful marketing campaigns.

Getting the most out of your marketing through the Banno Platform requires ongoing experimentation. Following these best practices over the next 90 days will have you off to a great start.

Within 30 days

Define business goals

Your institution needs a plan to meet its specific business goals. Even if your business goal is simple, creating a SMART goal is a great place to start. With a SMART goal, you can document your starting values and track your effectiveness over the coming months.

An example of a SMART goal is wanting to increase bill pay adoption by ten percent over the next 90 days.

S - Specific
What will be accomplished? What actions will you take?
M - Measurable
What data will measure the goal? How much? How well?
A - Attainable
Is the goal doable? Do you have the necessary skills and resources?
R - Relevant
How does the goal align with broader goals? Why is the result important?
T - Timely
What is the time frame for accomplishing the goal?

Initiate interest tracking with ad retargeting

With the Banno Platform, you have a distinct advantage—the ability to create a definitive match for your end-user’s identity. This match can be harnessed to create user profiles that show product interest. However, achieving holistic profiles doesn’t happen overnight. It begins with understanding your end-users’ interests and retargeting your ads for those interests. When users show interest in a specific product, Banno Marketing automatically displays relevant ads to them to encourage action. For example, if an end-user visits your website and clicks a home mortgage page, Banno Marketing shows them a home mortgage ad the next time they visit the home page. This interest tracking and ad retargeting is the first step to defining your end users’ complete profiles.

Create campaigns

In order for interest tracking and ad retargeting to work, you’ll need to create campaigns. Try starting with three campaigns with two or three ads in each campaign. After defining campaigns and creating ads, it’s time to observe your marketing in action. With ad retargeting up and running, you’ll soon be able to associate end users’ interests with measurable actions. The Dashboard will also give you a review of current campaign and ad performance. These user actions can help drive your business goals.

Congratulations, your first marketing campaign on the Banno Platform is officially live!

Within 60 days

Expand your campaigns

By now, you should have created enough ads to support seven campaigns. Just like before, there should be two or three ads running in each campaign. With up to seven active campaigns, you’ll quickly understand which marketing strategies are successful and which need improvement. Once you’re successful with campaigns focused on your primary business goals, start creating campaigns to support your secondary business goals.

Review and monitor

Over the past two months, you’ve worked hard creating impactful ads and building SMART campaigns. Now it’s time to review. Dive into reports to gain insight on which ads are working and which ones are not.

With an analytic mindset, now is the perfect time to implement testing. Review the imagery and messaging used in your ads for each campaign. Compare the types of ad content with their corresponding success rates. This will tell you which ads users are responding to and how you can use this information to create more effective ads.

To keep your website and digital banking fresh and updated, consider replacing successful ads with new ads containing similar content. This strategy strengthens your marketing performance and helps you stay focused on progressing toward your business goals.

Generate website Audience reports

Take your reporting to the next level by generating Audience reports. This type of reporting can be powerful, but there’s no reason to be intimidated. Start off by adding minimum properties to the report. For example, show everyone who clicked on an ad in a Bill Pay Adoption campaign. Building reports with one property gives you quick insight about how things are trending and if your marketing strategies are heading in the right direction.

Within 90 days

Create additional campaigns

Within your first 90 days on the Banno Platform, it’s likely you will have ten or more campaigns. As always, each campaign should contain two or three ads. At this point, some of your campaigns should focus on your primary business goal while others might focus on secondary business goals. Either way, each campaign align with one of your business goals.

Expand your website Audience reports

With more campaigns running, you now have more to measure. Expand your website audience reports by adding multiple properties to one report. For example, you can export everyone who clicked an ad in the Bill Pay Adoption campaign and live in a particular region. Adding multiple properties to your query deepens the report’s insight and helps you hone your efforts accordingly.

Conduct a quarterly analysis

You’ve made it! Your marketing campaigns have been running for 90 days. At the conclusion of each quarter, we suggest the following:

  • Reflect and analyze where your numbers where when you started. Where are they now? Are things working?
  • Identify goals your institution needs to focus on for the next 90 days.
  • Decide if you want to continue with the same goals.
  • Consider shifting a primary goal to a secondary goal or vice versa.

Conducting a quarterly analysis not only helps you take a step back to see how your ads have progressed, it also helps you analyze your business goals. Whether new campaigns need to be created or results are happening exactly how you planned, take time to assess areas of success and improvement. Marketing is never perfect, but it can always be better.

Collateral doc

For information about Banno Marketing in a PDF format, visit the Websites & Marketing section of our product collateral page.


For a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions, see Banno Marketing FAQ.

Why do I sometimes have to reauthenticate?
For your security, you will be asked to reauthenticate every 8 hours and after periods of inactivity. For more info, see session timeouts.