
Informed decisions are the best decisions. Reports are your home base to learn how your end users are using your apps, how they’re moving their money, and more. Reports are secure, robust, and granular enough to give you the information you need to make the best decisions for you and your customers.

What can I do with Banno Reports?

Reports offers visually concise snapshots that answer crucial questions such as, “How and when end are users engaging with our mobile or online app?” This deep data on end user behavior offers insight on key performance indicators, marketing campaigns, understanding to make the soundest decisions for your institution, and more.

Exported reports can also be generated based on number of criteria, giving you details on not just about how end users are interacting with your apps, but how they’re interacting with their money, fraudulent behaviors, and employee permissions. Banno keeps track of everything it can and provides you with the tools you need to access all of it.

Screens in Reports may vary based on your institution’s configuration.


Why do I sometimes have to reauthenticate?
For your security, you will be asked to reauthenticate every 8 hours and after periods of inactivity. For more info, see session timeouts.
