Banno Business FAQ

Overall Business FAQ

How does my institution create a new business?
Create the new business and business users in NetTeller. When this is complete, ensure autoseeding is enabled. This will ensure that the new organization and users are synced automatically. Once the process is finished, business Admins can invite business users to complete their account and log into Banno. If autoseeding is not enabled, contact your Banno support representative.
Can we run NetTeller CCM and Banno Business in parallel?
Yes, you can!
We’d like to test Banno Business. Can we toggle between Business and NetTeller CCM as needed?
Yes! Banno Buisness features can be enabled in Banno for the tester and the CM SSO will still be available to them.
Which roles can enroll in eStatements and iPay?
Admin users at businesses can enroll in these.
Will clients be able to utilize tokens?
Yes! These are specific to the user.
Does Banno Business support QuickBooks Online?
Yes, it does!
Can users reset their own password?
Account recovery is available to cash management users.
What effective dates are shown for prefunding?
The effective dates available in Banno match those available in NetTeller, and these dates vary based on each institution’s configurations.
When an Admin creates a new user in Banno Business, can that new user be set to the held status by default?
We will use the default that the customer has set up on the host. If you have the default set to held status, all new users will be held upon creation.
When a retail profile is converted to a cash management profile, what happens to the retail profile?
Currently when a retail ID is converted to a cash management ID in Banno People the old retail profile will still display in Banno People. It is recommended that devices are removed from the old retail profile by navigating to “Security” and choosing the option for “Remove all Devices”.

Business Authentication and Security FAQ

What is the difference between Passkey and FIDO key?
The Passkey replaces the user’s password, and the FIDO token is a 2FA method.
Can we use a token instead of a password?
For security purposes, this is not allowed.
Are high risk actions configurable?
No, they are not. Banno product takes a secure by default approach and has preset risk points. Users are always challenged at these points.
Can our users utilize a Wire Pin?
They cannot. Wire pins have been replaced by high risk authentication due to modern security needs.
Can the passkey process create disruption for clients using the dashboard card framework?
No, the dashboard card framework is unaffected by this process. However, passkey and FIDO will disrupt aggregators.
What does an authentication key cost?
There is no fee or service charge associated with the Banno platform, but there is a cost to purchase from vendors. This key is not specific to your bank and can be used across applications.
Currently, we are charged a fee per token per month. How will this work with FIDO tokens?
You’re not charged a fee for FIDO tokens. We don’t believe in charging more for more security unless we absolutely have to.
If we manage multiple municipalities and currently have multiple physical tokens, will we need to have multiple FIDO tokens?
No, FIDO supports many users on a single token.
Can keys be used across multiple device types (Android vs iOS, etc)?
Yes, they can.
Does the FIDO key have to stay for the entirety of the session?
No, it does not, so long as you check the “remember my device” setting. They protect the device on initial login. If you’re using the FIDO key as a passkey, however, it would need to stay.
Where do I register my passkey?
There is a toggle in the Security submenu of the Settings section.