Banno Marketing FAQ

Creating and managing ads is a tough job. We’ve provided you with all the documentation you’ll need to utilize Banno Marketing and its broad feature set, but sometimes you run into the unexpected. Our Frequently Asked Questions will help you out when things get a little complicated.

Campaign & ad management

What campaigns can I set up within Banno Marketing?

You have complete control over the campaigns you set up and activate within Banno Marketing! Campaigns are typically set up to align with product or service offerings and can be created or grouped in any way that allows you to best serve ads to and track interactions from your end users.

How does the free version of Banno Marketing differ from the paid version?

Free users have access to most of the same functionality as paid users, but their access comes with a handful of limitations:

  • Free users may only create 5 campaigns.
  • Free users may only create 3 segments.
  • Free users only have access to gallery ads in the ad builder with limited edit functionality.

For more information on how building ads works for free users, see our ad builder documentation

How are Banno Marketing ads built and edited?

The process of building and editing differs for digital banking and website ads.

Digital banking ads

Digital banking ads are built using predefined templates created to flow seamlessly into your end users’ dashboards. A simple form setup allows you to easily adjust text and images and set links to pages of your website, external URLs, features within digital banking, or SSO integrations.

For more information and image guidelines, see Creating digital banking ads.

Website ads

Website ads are built through an HTML WYSIWYG editor—a system in which text and images can be edited in a format that resembles its final appearance—using defined templates that match your website styles and branding.

For more information and image guidelines, see Creating website ads.

Where are the ads stored?

Within the Banno platform, images for ads are stored in Banno Assets. The ads themselves are built and stored within individual campaigns created inside Banno Marketing.

Who can manage my Banno Marketing campaigns?

Your institution’s administrators maintain control over the setup of all users and groups inside the Banno platform and can grant access to various tools and permissions. For Marketing specifically, view and edit permissions are available and can be separated by digital banking and website ads. For more information, see Permissions.

Can I preview my ad before I serve it to users?

Absolutely! Preview is available for both digital banking and website ads, though it differs slightly.

Digital banking ads

Digital banking ads are created using a simple form. As you fill out the fields of the form—heading, body copy, link, image—a preview to the right will adjust to show your ad content. For more information, see Creating digital banking ads.

Website ads

Website ads are created using an HTML editor. Generic styles can be seen in the standard editor used for all Banno Marketing web clients, and you also have the ability to preview each ad within the website itself. This preview function allows you to see your ad content inside the website with your specific styles and branding applied, so you know exactly how the ad will appear to your users. When previewing, enter the URL of a page that is set up to serve ads of the size being previewed.

Ad serving

How does Banno Marketing determine which ads to serve?

The process of determining which ads to serve differs for digital banking and websites.

Digital banking ads

Banno Marketing assembles a pool of all possible ads for an end user based on the segments that end user has been placed within. Ads from that list are then cycled through for each user, maintaining an even distribution of ad placement. In other words, end users will see the ad they have least recently viewed next.

Website ads

Dynamic ads are served to end users related to their interactions within the site, keeping relevant content in front of each end user. Ads are weighted based on recent interactions, with the most heavily weighted ads being served from campaigns related to most recently visited pages, followed by ads from other relevant campaigns, followed by ads from campaigns for products or pages users have not yet interacted with.

Where will the ads be displayed to my end users? Can we customize ad placement or otherwise change where the ads are shown inside digital banking or throughout our website?

Ad placement and customization differs for digital banking and websites.

Digital banking ads

The placement of ads cannot be customized within digital banking. On a two-column view, ads are served in the second dashboard card location in the right column. On a single-column view, ads are served in the third spot.

Website ads

As a part of your marketing website implementation, you will work with your Project Coordinator and dedicated Designer to identify all of the marketing areas available on your website. The website will be built out based on these design choices, and you will be able to determine which of these spaces you’d like to include static content and which of these spaces you’d like to designate as dynamic ad areas, serving ad content from Banno Marketing. Once your website is live, you will maintain control over the type of content you show in these spaces at any given point in time.

Can I serve ads to users on all Banno platform products?

Today, Banno Marketing ads can be served from your Banno website or within digital banking. We plan to offer the ability for ads to be served within Banno Mobile soon.

Will the ads that I create for digital banking be able to be used for Banno Content, as well? What about using Banno Content ads in digital banking?

These platforms are built differently and render ad content differently, so ads will need to be created for each platform independently.

Digital banking ads

Digital banking ads are created using predefined templates that are branded to match your institution and fit seamlessly into the digital banking interface.

Website ads

Each website has custom brand and design elements, so custom templates are created for each ad style used throughout your website and provided during your implementation to allow you to build beautiful ads that flow perfectly across your site.

Does Banno Marketing serve ads outside the Banno platform?

Banno Marketing does not serve ads on other websites. We meet your end users where they are—inside the Banno platform where ads can feel integrated, contextual, and relevant to each user.

Can I control the ads that are served to first-time users on my website?

You can! Banno Marketing automatically displays best-performing ads to website visitors, but you can also control their first impressions by designating specific campaigns as “fallback campaigns”. Banno Marketing detects if it’s an end user’s first time on your site and serve up an ad from these campaigns, ensuring you display the offers you want in front of them.

What if I only need an ad to show for a short period of time?

With Banno Marketing, you maintain control over which ads are available to be served at any given point in time. Campaigns can be set up with a start date and an end date, allowing you to control when campaigns are active for your end users. You can also manually pause campaigns and resume them at any time. Individual ads can also be activated and deactivated within any campaign, so you can control exactly which ads are available to be served at any given point in time.

My ad isn’t being served. What do I do?

There are a few troubleshooting steps to ensure your ads are active and available to be served to your users:

  1. Check that the ad is activated.
  2. Ensure the campaign is active and not in a pending, paused, or ended state.
  3. For website ads, check that Related Keywords for the campaign are set up in Banno Marketing and match SEO Keywords on the relevant landing page in the CMS.
  4. For website ads, ensure the size of the ad created in Banno Marketing matches the size indicated when the ad is inserted into a webpage through the CMS.
  5. For digital banking ads, if a segment is attached to a campaign, ensure the segment includes the correct list of users to serve to.

What if an ad image appears cropped?

Sometimes an image might not display as desired, because adjusting the ad size crops and scales the image around its focal point. For more information, you can read about image guidelines for building digital banking ads and website ads.


What is a segment?

Simply put, a segment is a group of end users. Banno Marketing lets you attach segments to your digital banking campaigns, so you can display content to specific end users based on NetTeller ID, username, or member number. When attached to a campaign, Banno Marketing will serve ads from that campaign to only end users in the segment.

Note that you can attach a specific segment to multiple campaigns; however, you can only attach one segment per campaign.

Can segments be added for digital banking and website campaigns?

Currently, segments are used only for digital banking campaigns. They are not used alongside website campaigns.

Do I need to upload a segment on a digital banking campaign?

Not at all! Attaching segments allows more direct control of the content individual end users may be seeing within their digital banking experience. When no segments are attached, ads from the campaign are served to all end users within digital banking.

What format do I need to use to upload a segment?

Segments should be uploaded as a .csv file, where the first column includes either the NetTeller ID, Username or Member Number, followed by the end user’s full name in the second column and email address in the third. When creating a segment within Banno Marketing, you can download the CSV template to get started with the right format!

What is the maximum number of end users that can be included in a single segment?

Approximately 200,000 end users can be included in any given segment.

Tracking & Reporting

Does Banno Marketing track all browsing activity?

Banno Marketing does not collect data from the end user’s browser history. It only captures interactions within the financial institution’s controlled digital channels. There are two main reasons for this:

  • Privacy and regulatory concerns
  • Technology challenges to collect additional data

Do the cookies used for tracking history and repositioning ads on my website ever expire?

Cookies do not have an expiration time. However, if an end user clears their cache, Banno Marketing assigns them a new guest user ID until they sign in with their online banking ID. Once they have signed in with their online banking ID, any new information tracked will be added to their profile.

Can Google® Analytics or Google® Tags be integrated with Banno Marketing?

Both Google® Analytics and Google® Tags can run alongside Banno Marketing and can be included in the ads you create by using the code editor available within the HTML editor used to create website ads. The data for these third party tools is not integrated with the Banno Marketing data.

How do I track campaign and ad performance?

Banno Marketing tracks each time an ad is served and each time an ad is clicked. This data can be reviewed widely at the Dashboard level and narrowed to view information on individual campaigns or individual ad performances for any specified date range.

What information is captured about user interactions with my ads and campaigns?

Banno Marketing tracks each time an ad is served and provides data on which end users have been served an ad from any given campaign, as well as which end users have clicked an ad from any given campaign.

What clickthrough rate should I strive for?

There isn’t a “magic number” we would recommend anyone strive for here. Instead, the data is available for you to review at each of these levels, as well as use for comparison over time and across ads and campaigns. This allows you to see what end users are interacting with, what products are receiving focus from your end users, and what types of messaging, verbiage, and imagery are drawing attention.

What data is being collected by Banno Marketing and where is this information stored?

The end user information captured through the site includes browsing patterns, ad clicks, and an end user’s online banking User ID. None of these, alone or together, are considered personally identifiable information. All data collected by Banno Marketing is stored within the Banno platform, accessible by users at your institution who have been granted access to view Banno Marketing. The website and the Banno platform are both covered by an SSL certificate, ensuring data sent from web browser to web server remains private on either domain.