
Permissions are managed at the Group level. User permissions are a function of all groups they belong to. For more information on how users and groups interact, see the Users documentation.

Managing permissions

Settings are divided by product and feature, giving a clear view of available options. Details on what each permission controls are outlined below.


Manage platform assets
This permission allows a user full access to Banno Assets, including both view and edit rights.



Manage assets
This permission allows a user full access to CMS Assets, including both view and edit rights.

Custom forms

View custom form submissions
This permission allows a user to view forms submitted into the CMS.
Manage custom form submissions
This permission allows a user full access to CMS forms, including both viewing and administration. If this permission is enabled, the View form submissions permission will be enabled automatically.

Form builder

Manage forms
This permission allows a user to view, create, and edit forms.


View pages
This permission allows a user to view existing CMS pages.
Edit pages
This permission allows a user to edit existing CMS pages. If this permission is enabled, the View pages permission will be enabled automatically.
Create new pages
This permission allows a user to create new CMS pages. If this permission is enabled, the View pages permission will be enabled automatically.
Delete pages
This permission allows a user to delete existing CMS pages. If this permission is enabled, the View pages permission will be enabled automatically.
Publish pages
This permission allows a user to publish existing CMS pages. If this permission is enabled, the View pages permission will be enabled automatically.
Edit site settings
This permission allows a user to access the Settings page in Banno CMS, allowing the user to add HTML to the header and footer of each page.


View rates
This permission allows a user to see the Markets tab of the Rates screen in Banno CMS.
Edit rates
This permission allows a user to edit markets in the Markets tab of the Rates screen in Banno CMS. If this permission is enabled, the View rates permission will be enabled automatically.
Publish rates
This permission allows a user to publish new rates. If this permission is enabled, the View rates permission will be enabled automatically.


Manage locations
This permission allows a user to add, edit, and delete locations in the Locations screen in Banno CMS.
Manage menus
This permission allows a user to view and edit menus.

Members only

View members & groups
This permission allows a user to see membership of the CMS.
Manage members & groups
This permission allows a user to add and delete members and groups in CMS. If this permission is enabled, the View members & groups permission will be enabled automatically.


View employee events
This permission allows a user full access to Banno History.


Digital banking ads

View digital banking ads
This permission allows a user to view existing digital banking ads.
Edit digital banking ads
This permission allows a user to edit existing and create new digital banking ads.
Manage templates
This permission allows a user to access the Templates page functionality for digital banking ads, including editing and creating new templates.

Website Ads

View website ads
This permission allows a user to view existing website ads.
Edit website ads
This permission allows a user to edit existing and create new website ads.
Manage website audience report
This permission grants the user full access to the audience report feature.
Manage templates
This permission allows a user to access the Templates page functionality for website ads, including editing and creating new templates.


Manage monitors
This permission allows a user full access to Banno Monitor.


View everything - users, messages & settings
This permission allows a user to see all controls available in Banno People. If any other permissions under the People heading are enabled, this setting will be enabled automatically.
Manage everything - users, messages & settings
This permission allows a user to see and manage every other People option at the institution level. If this is enabled, all other permissions under the People heading will be enabled automatically.
View employee data
View all data for FI employees. This is not included with the View everything permission.
Manage business ACH
This permission applies to credit unions only and allows a user to see and manage Banno Business ACH management and companies at the institution level.


View activity
This permission allows a user to view all user level activity.
Manage external transfers
This permission allows a user to manage external transfer settings and delete external accounts at the user level.
Manage internal transfers
This permission allows a user to manage internal transfer settings at the user level.
Manage security settings
This permission allows a user to manage security settings at the end user level, including 2FA, password reset, unlock user, removing devices, and deleting external accounts. Please note: Managing security settings is a high risk action. For security, a group must have 2FA enabled to utilize this permission.


Manage institution messages
This permission allows a user to manage all institution messages.


Manage external transfers
This setting allows a user to manage external transfer settings at the institution level, affecting all users.
Manage internal transfers
This setting allows a user to manage internal transfer settings at the institution level, affecting all users.
Manage RDC
This setting allows a user to manage all RDC-related settings at the institution level, affecting all users.
Manage Reg D message for transfers
This permission allows a user to manage Reg D message settings at the institution level, affecting all users.
Manage dashboard
This permission allows a user to reorganize the default dashboard at the institution level, affecting all users.

Organizations and organization members

Create everything
This setting allows a user to create organizations and organizations users. If a user doesn’t have this permission, the Create organization displays but it will be disabled.
Delete everything
This setting allows a user to delete organizations users.
Edit everything
This setting allows a user to manage and update all user management settings.


Manage reports
This permission allows a user full access to Banno Reports.



View users
This permission allows a user to view all other platform users.
Invite users
This permission allows a user to invite new users to the platform. If this permission is enabled, the View users permission will be enabled automatically.
Edit users
This permission allows a user to edit the details of existing platform users. If this permission is enabled, the View users permission will be enabled automatically.
Delete users
This permission allows a user to remove other users from the platform. If this permission is enabled, the View users permission will be enabled automatically.


View groups
This permission allows a user to view all groups, their attributes, and their enabled permissions.
Create groups
This permission allows a user to create new groups and set the associated permissions. If this permission is enabled, the View groups permission will be enabled automatically.
Edit groups
This permission allows a user to edit the details of existing groups. If this permission is enabled, the View groups permission will be enabled automatically.
Delete groups
This permission allows a user to delete groups, disabling all permissions granted to users by that group. If this permission is enabled, the View groups permission will be enabled automatically.


Manage conversations
This permission allows a Support user to communicate with end users via Conversations in Banno Support, including the ability to attach forms to conversations and view forms submitted through Conversations.
Manage form submissions
This permission allows a user to view and manage unauthenticated form submissions, such as those sent from a CMS site.
Manage support settings
This permission allows a user to edit support settings.
Manage video chat
This permission allows a user to create and manage video chat sessions.

Xperience authentication

Permit sign in via Banno
This group authenticates into Banno via their Banno username and password.
Permit sign in via Xperience
This group authenticates into Banno using their Xperience credentials and will not have a unique Banno username or password.


Why don’t some features have unique permissions?
Our goal is to provide permissions for as many features as possible, offering granular control over what your users have access to. However, due to our status as an integrations platform, we cannot offer permissions for certain features as the underlying architectures of the features we integrate with sometimes allow for limited options. For features not included in the list above, higher level permissions such as Manage Everything may be required. We continue to add additional permissions as we can. See the public-facing roadmap on the ForClients portal for the most up-to-date plans.
