Managing templates

Banno Marketing offers a collection of flexible, broadly usable templates to create and customize your own ads. If you’re looking for something a little more customizable, developers can take advantage of our in-depth template development tool to create and customize your own templates for use with the ad building functionality already available.

Access to the Templates functionality is controlled via Banno Settings and is intended for web developers. If you have web developers who would like to build templates let us know and we can enable the template developer tools.

The Templates page

The Templates page in Banno Marketing lists all templates, whether they’re the ones made by your institution (listed under Your templates) or the default templates created by Banno (listed under Global templates). This screen also allows you to search all templates, filter the shown templates, and create a new template with the Create a template button.

Your templates

Your templates contains a list of all templates created by your team. This listing includes the name, description, current status (Live or Pending), the last modified date, and who last modified the template.

The more icon offers a handful of extra options to manage individual templates. Available actions for Your templates include:

Edit template
This option allows user to make changes to the template. Editing options are limited for published templates, as outlined below.
This option creates a duplicate of the selected template with a Copy - prefix. Duplicated templates will default to Pending status.
Show ads
This option produces an overlay with a list of all ads using this template. This includes the ads’ names, a link to the ad editor for each ad, and selected statistics about each ad. This includes View count, Click count, and Click through rate.
This option removes an ad from your list. If you have ads currently associated with the selected template, a list of all associated ads will be shown, giving you the option to disable associated ads or leave the ads active. Affected ads will keep all usage data available for viewing and export, but live ads using the archived template cannot be edited. Archiving a template is irreversible and should be used with care.

Global Templates

Global templates includes all templates created by Banno for general use. This listing includes the name, description, status (Live or Hidden), the last modified date, and a toggle to show or hide global templates within the ad editing tools.

The more icon offers a handful of extra options to manage individual templates. Available actions for Global templates include:

Show ads
This option produces an overlay with a list of all ads using this template. This includes the ads’ names, a link to the ad editor for each ad, and selected statistics about each ad. This includes View count, Click count, and Click through rate.
This option creates a duplicate of the selected template in the Your templates list with a Copy - prefix. Duplicated templates will default to Pending status.

Creating a new template

Clicking the Create a template button will prompt you to create a digital banking template. After entering the required information, you’ll be taken to the template editor.


Components are the building blocks used when creating new ads using your template. Dragging a component type into the editor area will create a new component of that type, which can then be styled using the embedded code editor. All component types The following component types are available:

Text box
A short input with a single line of text. This component can be configured as required when creating an ad.
Text area
A longer input with multiple lines of text. This component can be configured as required when creating an ad.
A pathway the ad will drive users to take.
An image from your institution’s internal library to be used with the ad. You can select a default image from your institution’s library for this template.

Once a component has been completed, it will collapse within the component list. In this state you can reorder components, edit existing components, and delete components. You can also view the code reference and copy the value from this view. All bindings are in handlebars.

Your institution’s theme properties

The theme properties button displays all of your institution’s configured theme information. Each property can be highlighted, showing the hex value of each color and allowing you to copy the value directly.

The switch icon allows you to switch between light and dark themes.

The code editor

By default the embedded code editor contains a stub for a basic ad. This stub is heavily commented as a guide to make your own changes. Ads are written in HTML, and are intended to be embeddable and responsive. All bindings are in handlebars.

Changes to the code will be reflected in real-time in the ad preview section below the editor.

Publishing templates

Publishing a template changes the status of that template from Pending to Live. Once a template is Live, editing ability is restricted to prevent breaking existing ads. You can edit components, but you cannot add, remove, or reorder components.


For a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions, see Banno Marketing FAQ.

Why do I have different template actions than listed here?
Options in the more options list may vary based on the permissions of groups you belong to.
