
The Campaigns screen is the home base for all of your current ad campaigns. The main card contains all active and paused campaigns. The Recently ended card lists all campaigns that have ended within the last 30 days. In the top right of the screen, you’ll see the Create a campaign button. You’ll be presented with a selector for Website and Digital Banking campaigns, with each option providing a different set of information to enter.


A name for your campaign. This is only used internally, allowing you to track and compare different campaigns.
A description for your campaign. This can be used to differentiate between campaigns and to leave notes and details about the purpose of the campaign.
Landing page
Your landing page is the website or page this campaign should lead customers to.
Start date
This is the date ads from this campaign will begin being served. You must set a start date, and the default will be the current date. So long as the campaign has not started yet, this can be changed.
End date
A date that the campaign should stop serving ads. The campaign ends at 11:59 PM, per your institution’s timezone, of the chosen date. As an optional field, this can be left blank, allowing you to leave a campaign up indefinitely or to end it manually at a later date. This can be changed at any time.
Related keywords
Products and services that describe the campaign. These will be used to ensure that the served ads match a given user’s interests.
Fallback campaign
Set whether or not this is a fallback campaign. Fallback campaigns will be served to new users we do not yet have targeted information for.

Digital banking

A name for your campaign. This is only used internally, allowing you to track and compare different campaigns.
A description for your campaign. This can be used to differentiate between campaigns and to leave notes and details about the purpose of the campaign.
Start date
This is the date ads from this campaign will begin being served. You must set a start date, and the default will be the current date. So long as the campaign has not started yet, this can be changed.
End date
A date that the campaign should stop serving ads. The campaign ends at 11:59 PM, per your institution’s timezone, of the chosen date. As an optional field, this can be left blank, allowing you to leave a campaign up indefinitely or to end it manually at a later date. This can be changed at any time.

Viewing a campaign

Clicking a campaign from any list on the Campaigns screen will display the details for that campaign. In addition to allowing you to view and edit the details provided during campaign creation, this screen allows you to view and set several other pieces of information.

Audience segment

Setting an audience segment allows you to target a specific group of users with a campaign. If no segment is set, the campaign applies to all end users. The Manage segments option allows you to add, edit, or remove a segment. Selecting the View more icon allows you to download the associated CSV, remove the selected segment from the campaign, or view details about the segment. Currently, segments are used only with digital banking campaigns.

Campaign performance

The campaign performance card works similarly to the dashboard graph, but the information reflected here applies only to the selected campaign. If an audience segment is present, information regarding associated segments will also be present.

Performance totals

Based on the selected date range, view the campaign’s metrics by the hour, day, week, or month. As you hover over a metric, a tooltip helps explain what it means.

The number of times ads have been served to a user, regardless if it was clicked or not. Impressions also include served ads that the end user might not have seen because the ad was served in an area that requires scrolling to view.
The number of times ads have been clicked by users.
Clickthrough rate (CTR)
The percentage of ads served that users click. The CTR is calculated by dividing the number of Clicks by the number of Impressions.
Previous shows the change for each metric and is the same interval length as the selected date range. For example, if Last month is selected as the date range and April displays, Previous displays March’s data for each metric.

Audience reporting

Audience reporting displays for digital banking campaigns and when there isn’t an assigned segment size. Its metrics are based on the lifetime of the campaign, even if the campaign stops and restarts. The Segment size consists of the number of all end users at the institution. Impressions and Clicks display as percentages of end users and calculated using the Segment size. A bar graph also displays and populates with number of impressions and clicks. Until end users are served an ad or they click on the ad(s) in the campaign, the bar graph stays empty.

Segment performance

Segment performance displays for digital banking campaigns and when there’s an assigned segment size. Its metrics are based on the lifetime of the campaign, even if the campaign stops and restarts. The Segment size consists of the number end users in a selected segment, which can include approximately 200,000 end users. Impressions and Clicks display as percentages of end users and calculated using the Segment size. A bar graph also displays and populates with number of impressions and clicks. Until end users are served an ad or they click on the ad(s) in the campaign, the bar graph stays empty.

Ads in this campaign

This card shows all ads for the given campaign. If none have been created, a message will link you to the ad creation tool. If you have already made some ads, you can view each one, as well as impressions, clicks, and CTR for each. For more information on how to make ads, see the our documentation on ad creation for websites and digital banking.

Free Banno Marketing users

Your team doesn’t have to pay for Banno Marketing to get a lot of value from the app. Free users get everything you’d expect from Banno Marketing, but can only create up to five digital banking campaigns and three marketing segments. Free users also have limited customization options for their ads. Give it a shot. If you like it, you can upgrade at any time.


For a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions, see Banno Marketing FAQ.
