Creating website ads

Creating ads for your website is simple. Our what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) editor allows you to create beautiful HTML ads for your website. If your website doesn’t support HTML ads, no sweat: we support everything you need to serve up relevant, beautiful ads to your end users no matter what your setup is.

Creating an ad

  • Campaigns
  • Your website
  • Select a campaign
  • Create an ad

If you haven’t created any ads for the campaign yet, a link to ad creation will also appear under the Ads in this campaign section.

Creating an ad is as simple as filling out a few pieces of information. Required fields are denoted with an asterisk in the ad builder.

Name your ad
An identifier for this ad. This is only visible internally.
The width and height of the ad in pixels.
Tags associated with this ad. These help determine where the ad will appear on your website.
The type of ad, which will determine the next steps. Available options include:
  • Image
  • Text
  • HTML


Selecting an image ad creates an ad from a linked image, taking you to the asset picker. After selecting or uploading an image you must select where the ad will link to, and can include:

  • Image alternative text
  • Link title attribute
  • Whether the link should open in a new window
Image ads should only be used for websites without the ability to serve HTML ads. Most sites should favor HTML ads that include a combination of images, text, and links. Please follow your institution’s Setup Guide for information about which ad style to use with your website.


Selecting a text ad creates a text-only ad by adding text, aligning it as needed, and adding a link.

Text ads should only be used for websites without the ability to serve HTML ads. Most sites should favor HTML ads that include a combination of images, text, and links. Please follow your institution’s Setup Guide for information about which ad style to use with your website.


Selecting an HTML ad creates an ad with a combination of image, text, and links in the ad and allows your ad to work responsively within your website. Selecting this option takes you to a WYSIWYG editor where you can select the gear icon to open the source code editor and enter or paste the source code provided for your website’s ad styles. Once entered, ad text, images, and links can be viewed and edited via the WYSIWYG editor.

When you’re done, you can view your ad in an existing page by selecting Save & preview or simply Save to exit the editor. If you’re not happy with your changes, you can also Discard changes.


For a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions, see Banno Marketing FAQ.
