Permissions segments

The Permissions segments feature currently gives authorized institution admins the option to bulk-assign Transfers permissions to a specific segment of end users.

How does it work?

  • Settings
  • Permissions segments

There are three aspects to the feature:

  • Creating a segment: Each segment can be saved for later use, including for Marketing campaigns (if your institution has upgraded to the paid version of Banno Marketing™).
  • Assigning permissions: Admins can assign permissions for Internal and External Transfers, complete with any fees, limits, and other details that can be defined on the Permissions tab of an individual user’s profile page.
  • Reviewing related activity: Admins can also check related activity events.

Who can use permissions segments?

Employees who belong to a group that has been granted the Manage everything – users, messages & settings permission can use permissions segments to assign Transfers permissions in bulk. Without this permission, employees (i.e., Banno Admin users) within the group have read-only access to Permissions segments.

Creating a segment

Before you begin: To save or not to save
When creating a segment, we recommend leaving the Save this segment checkbox selected, so your institution can reuse the segment if necessary in the future.

If preferred, you have the option to bulk-assign Transfers permissions using a temporary segment that will automatically expire after the system has finished processing the updated permissions. To use a temporary segment, simply deselect the Save this segment checkbox.

To create a segment of users you intend to assign new or updated Transfers permissions, open Banno People™ and complete these steps:

  1. Click the Settings dropdown and click Permissions segments.
  2. In the top-right corner of the Permissions segments screen, click Create a segment.
  3. In the Create a segment dialog, click the How should we identify your users dropdown and select the unique identifier that your CSV contains:
    • Member number
    • NetTeller ID
    • Username
  4. If applicable, select the My CSV includes a header row checkbox.
    Note: Optionally, you can download the CSV template provided and use it to update the formatting of your own CSV before uploading the file.
  5. Upload your CSV file.
  6. In the Segment name field, enter a name for the list of users.
    Note: As described above, while we recommend saving the segment for future use, you have the option to create a single-use, temporary segment by deselecting the Save this segment checkbox.
  7. Click Review, verify that the list is accurate, and click Create.

Your newly created segment should now be included on the Permissions segments screen, and you can now assign Transfers permissions to that set of users.

Assigning permissions

Known limitation for Xperience users
It isn’t possible to update or assign permissions to a segment while working in Xperience. Instead, Xperience users will need to sign in to Banno People™ via a web browser and complete the steps outlined below.

To update or assign new Transfers permissions to a segment, open Banno People™ and complete these steps:

  1. Click the Settings dropdown and click the Permissions segments button.
  2. On the Permissions segments screen, locate your segment and click Assign Permissions.
  3. On the Assign permissions to [segment name] screen, edit the permission settings as needed, click Save, and remain in People until you see the toast notification that your changes have finished processing.
    Note: To use Banno Support™ or a different website while permissions are being assigned, rather than leaving the current screen, open a separate tab or window.

Leaving People (including to open Banno Support™) before permissions have finished processing will prevent the system from completing the updates. That will leave the segment in a state of flux; some users in the segment will have had their permissions updated, while others will not.

In such cases, you will need to restart the process (from the Assign permissions step) and wait for the process to complete.

To check activity events related to Permissions segments, open Banno Admin and complete these steps:

  1. In the main navigation on the left, click the ••• (More) menu and select Activity.
  2. On the Activity screen, set a date range, click the All Events dropdown, and select Permissions (in the People ~ Users section).

Note that an activity event is recorded on a per-user basis, rather than a per-segment basis, each time permissions are assigned to a segment.
