Offline mode

It takes one incident for end users to immediately contact and overwhelm your support staff—chaos everyone tries to avoid! Offline mode quickly informs end users they may encounter unavailable features during planned maintenance, a connectivity issue, or an outage. Proactiveness goes a long way, and Offline mode prepares end users for their digital experience should your institution or NetTeller go offline.

Enable, change, or confirm permission

Because you control who can internally enable Offline mode, ensure the appropriate group has permission within   Banno Settings. Under the Banno People permissions, select the Manage everything – users, messages & settings permission.

Without this permission, users within the group have read-only access to Offline mode.

A user with the Manage everything – users, messages & setting permission sees and manages every Banno People option at the institution level. When the permission is enabled, all other permissions under the Banno People heading will be enabled automatically.


  • Settings
  • Offline mode

Because your institution controls Offline mode, you’re ready to immediately notify end users whenever necessary.

The aggregation of users’ transaction history and balances that NetTeller Offline Mode provides, as well as the ability to login during downtime, is native functionality within the Banno platform from the get-go. Available features will vary based on the nature of the outage.

Show message to users

The Show message to users toggle displays to banks and credit unions in both Banno Mobile and Banno Online. It determines the visibility of the Message to end users. When Show message to users is enabled, syncing to the core—API calls—still occurs.


Enabling Show message to users displays the Message field in the app. Unless end users need to know an announcement or your institution is offline, Show message to users should remain disabled.


Disabling Show message to users removes the Message’s visibility in the app.


The Message is a 175-character, customizable status notification that displays at the top of the login, dashboard, and change profile pages in Banno Online. It notifies all end users to the possibility of unavailable features (or any announcement your institution needs to share). While the default title displays Some services are offline, selecting Edit message changes the read-only state of the message to an editable state, and you can update it at any time. The message should only contain basic text, and special characters are supported. HTML, hyperlinks, formatting, and line breaks are not supported.

End users will usually give you some grace when they view a friendly message. You’re welcome to use the following messages or create your own:

  • We’re currently performing required system maintenance. Some features may not be available after login.
  • Digital banking is temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance and will return [date and time].
  • [Institution name] is currently offline for scheduled maintenance.

If the end user has an outdated browser, a notification automatically appears at the top of the app. If either toggle is enabled, the app displays both notifications stacked on top of each other and styled the same way.

Core offline

The Core offline toggle is visible to banks only. If your institution’s experiencing Banno or core-related issues, enabling Core offline stops syncs—API calls—to the core. Cached information still displays to the end user, but they may experience disruptions. Ensure the Message is updated, because enabling Core offline automatically enables Show message to users. This allows the Message to display in the app. Although Show message to users is also enabled, syncs to the core stop.

The Core offline toggle doesn’t display for credit unions. If a credit union enables Show message to users, the Message displays across the top of the login, dashboard, and change profile pages. When core is down for credit unions, end users are unable to login to Banno Online. They can’t login on to Mobile with their username and password, but they can login with their PIN or passkey and see cached data.


Enabling Core offline displays the Message field in the app. Unless end users need to know your institution is offline, Core offline should remain disabled.


When you disable Core offline, you’ll also need to disable the Show message to users to remove the Message’s visibility in the app.

Banno Activity

When you make a change in the Offline mode setting, an activity event generates as one of the following and can be searched using the Offline mode filter:

  • [Admin user’s first and last name] enabled show message to users from [IP address]
  • [Admin user’s first and last name] disabled show message to users from [IP address]
  • [Admin user’s first and last name] enabled offline mode to users from [IP address]
  • [Admin user’s first and last name] disabled offline mode to users from [IP address]
  • [Admin user’s first and last name] updated the offline notification message from [previous message] to [updated message] from [IP address]

Banno Online

In the app’s younger days, end users of banks using NetTeller and Banno Online occasionally had login issues. If an institution or NetTeller went offline, end users couldn’t access their accounts. Those were rough moments for everyone. Since then, not only did we create a solution allowing existing end users access to log on 24/7, but we also added a notification message so that institutions can immediately notify end users of any issue at any time. The notification message also prepares end users should they encounter an error message during their digital experience.

Because of the different end user login experience between Banno Online and Banno Mobile, Offline mode applies only to Banno Online. Online end users must enter their credentials with every login, while the majority of Mobile end users remain authenticated even if they aren’t using the app.

Offline mode doesn’t impact success or error messaging for features in Banno Online. It simply notifies end users upon login that they may encounter unavailable features.

Banno Mobile

Offline mode doesn’t affect Banno Mobile login functionality, and Mobile end user account information stays current up to the last available aggregation. Unlike with Banno Online, the majority of Mobile end users remain authenticated after login. Mobile end users need only to enter their PIN or use their biometrics to access their accounts.

Similar to Banno Online, Offline mode doesn’t impact success or error messaging within Banno Mobile. When end users access their accounts, the messaging process is analogous between both apps:

  • Each feature within the apps already has its own success and error messaging, so end users easily know a feature’s availability after they attempt a task.
  • New users are unable to enroll when NetTeller or the institution is offline.
  • In the event of a login failure, end users view a specific error message explaining why their login failed.


Can Offline mode be automated or prescheduled?
Since Offline mode is used for a wide variety of use cases, including those we can’t predict or detect, Offline mode cannot be automatically enabled. Prescheduling Offline mode is not available, but you can submit a New Feature Request for consideration of this enhancement.
Which features are available and unavailable in Offline mode?
Feature status depends on the incident, so we can’t say with certainty that a feature is available or unavailable. Because each feature has its own success and error messaging, end users easily know a feature’s availability after they attempt a task.
