
Just as your users crave the ability to quickly update their information, we understand it’s equally important your institution do the same. From updating disclaimers to importing third-party content, Banno offers self-service settings that allow you to create and control the content you want users to see. One of these ways includes your ability to organize the dashboard however you’d like and to display third-party web pages within your user’s default dashboard. Whether it’s a loan application link or a credit score overview, your internal team or outside vendor can create specific content to display inside your Banno Mobile and Banno Online dashboard cards.

Setting options may vary based on your institution’s configuration.


Your institution provides basic information that will display within emails to your users and throughout your apps.

App keys

Changes to Google’s policy requires updating keys for your Android application.


eStatement enrollment & Documents service agreement

Financial institutions that leverage our native integration, Electronic Statements - Interactive™, as their primary electric statement provider can manage key aspects of their users’ estatement enrollment experience from Banno People:

eStatement enrollment prompt

Enrolling more users in e-statements is a win on multiple fronts: The environmental benefits from less paper usage, manufacturing and energy costs, fuel used for delivery, reduced costs per user compared to paper, and account holders get access to their statements more quickly and more accessibly.

Starting by adding a prompt for users who aren’t yet enrolled, we can make it easier and more prominent for users who just haven’t given it the thought or taken the time to enroll themselves.

The eStatement prompt is supported by all native integrations (does not include SSOs).

Here’s how it works:

  • The prompt is displayed to users who are not enrolled in eStatements.
  • We consider partially enrolled users as “enrolled”.
  • The only users who will see the prompt are those who have not enrolled at all in eStatements.
  • We allow two actionable options
    • Enroll now: This directs the user to the enrollment screen
    • Discard: This allows the user to remove the prompt from view. The prompt will then return after 24 hours and 3 logins.

How do I configure this for my institution?

  • Settings
  • Documents
Show prompt to users
This toggle enables the prompt for all of your users. This will update immediately and selecting “Save” is not needed.
This is the text that will be displayed your users. It is not configurable.

How do I disable this for the user?

  • Users
  • User
  • Permissions
  • E-statement enrollment
Show prompt to user
This toggle enables the prompt for this specific user. This will update immediately and selecting “Save” is not needed.
This is the text that will be displayed your users. It is not configurable.

Banno Activity

When a support user enables or disables the e-Statement Prompt, Banno Activity will record the support user, event, and time. The activity will display similar to the following:

  • [User] updated e-statement prompt settings from [IP address]

Documents service agreement

If your institution uses our native Electronic Statements - Interactive™ solution as your primary statement provider, you can view and update your terms and conditions directly within Banno People. When end users access Documents and they’ve yet to opt-in to receive electronic statements—or you updated the user agreement—the Documents service agreement displays for end users to Accept.

Updating the Documents service agreement in Banno People will not automatically update the agreement in ESI BackOffice. The agreement will need to be manually updated in both platforms.

How does it work?

  • Settings
  • Documents
Documents service agreement
This screen title displays within Banno People and isn’t configurable.
Updated date
When a support user updates the Documents service agreement, the month, day, and year it was updated will display to the end user.
Service agreement
In this text box, you’ll state your institution’s terms and conditions using plain text.
This button saves changes made to the Documents service agreement. The message, Documents service agreement successfully saved, will display if it’s saved successfully. Each time you save, end users that have already enrolled will be prompted to re-accept an updated Documents service agreement when they access Documents.

Banno Activity

When a support user enables or makes changes to the Documents service agreement, Banno Activity will record the support user, event, and time. The activity will display similar to the following:

  • [User] updated the documents service agreement from [IP address]


Can I get the eStatements enrollment prompt for my institution?
If you have a native integration that uses Documents settings in the back office instead of an SSO, the enrollment prompt setting is automatically available to you!
If an end user is partially enrolled in eStatements, will they receive the prompt to enroll?
We consider partially enrolled users to be enrolled, which means partially enrolled users will not receive the eStatement enrollment prompt.
Can the document service agreement be disabled?
No, this is a required part of the documents functionality.


A variety of transfer options can be set to limit or override amounts and timing options.


Cohesive branding ensures consistency in the marketing and story of your institution, and the look and feel of your app is no different. With Themes, easily view an approximation of how your default theme, UI elements, and color usage display in Banno Online or Mobile. Theme updates display as soon as the API has the theme properties, and the page is viewable prior to go-live. Depending which Banno digital platforms you have (Online and/or Mobile), app screenshots of Light mode, Dark mode, and Banno Online display in Themes. Themes may also vary based on your institution’s configuration with Banno.
