Creating digital banking ads

Banno Marketing’s ad building tool allows you to create and edit ads quickly and easily. With simple drop down and text entry menus, your team can kick off campaigns as quickly as you have the idea. The builder will walk you through the process, but if you’re the kind of person who likes to know what it’s like under the hood, we’ve got you covered.

Creating an ad

  • Campaigns
  • Your website
  • Select a campaign
  • Create an ad
If you haven’t created any ads for the campaign yet, a link to ad creation will also appear under the Ads in this campaign section.

Free users

Free users are shown the ad gallery, a selection of beautifully designed ads for a variety of needs broken down by category and pre-filled with text and images so you can select an ad and get moving. After selecting an ad and clicking the Select ad button, users can customize the following fields:

Name your ad
Provide a name for this ad. While the name will not appear on the ad itself, this will be the name used to identify your ads internally. The name in the upper left of the ad builder screen will reflect changes to this field.
Ad link
This dropdown determines where selecting the ad will lead the end user. The dropdown has several possible options:
Website URL
Selecting this option will produce a text entry, allowing you to enter a URL. If the URL entered is invalid, an error will be displayed.
One of my pages (CMS customers only)
Selecting this option will produce another dropdown. For users with multiple CMS sites, this drop down will allow you to select which site you’d like to select a link from. Selecting a site will allow you to select the specific page you’d like to link to. For users with only one CMS site, you will only receive the second drop down prompting you to select a page.
External application
Selecting this option will produce another dropdown, allowing you to select one of your FI’s configured external applications1 to send the user to.
App Feature
Selecting this option will produce another dropdown, allowing you to select a section of the app to send the user to.

Beneath these fields you can see the full selection of customizations available when using the paid app. Once all required fields have been filled out with valid information, the Save & finish button at the top of your screen will become available and you can save your ad. Once saved, you will be taken to the ad details screen where you can review details, activate your ad, or return to the campaigns page.

Paid users are shown two headings: Templates and Gallery. Templates provides a selection of pre-made ad templates users can customize to their needs. In addition to the templates we provide, teams with developers on staff can also edit their own templates.

Gallery provides a selection of beautifully designed ads for a variety of needs broken down by category and pre-filled with text and images so you can select an ad and get moving.

Clicking an ad from either heading will enable the Select ad button. Once you’ve selected an ad, you’ll be taken to the Customize your ad screen to make any changes you’d like.

Customizing your ad

The Customize your ad screen provides you with a variety of options, both required and optional, to make the ad your own. You can view the your ad in real time using the preview window, which includes a slider to see how the ad looks on different sized screens. Required fields are denoted with an asterisk in the ad builder.

Name your ad
Provide a name for this ad. While the name does not appear on the ad itself, this is the name used to identify your ads internally. The name in the upper left of the ad builder screen reflects changes to this field.
Customize image
If the selected ad includes an image, you can customize the image in your ad. Clicking Select image opens the asset picker, allowing you to sort through your FI’s image library to select or upload an image for the background of your ad. After selecting an image, the asset name, alt text, and file size appear in this field. If you need to change your selection, click the Change link next to your image’s thumbnail to open the asset picker again.
Callout text
This customizable text field appears on the ad and highlights the ad’s overall category.
Headline text
This customizable text field appears on the ad prominently. This is usually the most visible text on the ad.
Body copy
This customizable text field appears on the ad in smaller text and can span multiple lines, outlining the main content of the ad.
Button label
This customizable text field appears on the clickable button of your ad, encouraging the user to engage with the ad.
Ad link
This dropdown determines where the button link leads. The dropdown has several possible options:
Website URL
Selecting this option produces a text entry, allowing you to enter a URL. If the URL entered is invalid, an error will let you know.
One of my pages (CMS customers only)
Selecting this option produces another dropdown. For users with multiple CMS sites, this drop down is used to pick which site you’d like to select a link from. Selecting a site allows you to select the specific page you’d like to link to. For users with only one CMS site, you will only receive the second drop down prompting you to select a page.
External application
Selecting this option produces another dropdown, allowing you to select one of your FI’s configured external applications1 to send the user to.
App Feature
Selecting this option produces another dropdown, allowing you to select a section of the app to send the user to.

Once all required fields have been filled out with valid information, the Save & finish button at the top of your screen will become available and you can save your ad.

Image guidelines

When you build an ad, the preview includes a slider to see how the ad looks from the minimum ad size (300 px) to the max ad size (600 px). After you select an ad template, the image’s default pixel width will display at 512 pixels, but you can adjust the ad size to your preference. When you use the slider to change the ad size, the image size will also adjust according its focal point and the responsive layout. Depending on your preferred ad size, you might want to use one image over another as some images could be cropped.

In addition to ad templates that include pre-selected images, you can also upload and use your own images. To achieve proper cropping and scaling for the responsive display, we recommend you have sufficient space around the core content of an image. Images where the central content doesn’t have enough peripheral content may crop oddly. Also, larger file sizes will work, but end users might notice it affecting app performance—particularly if they’re using a mobile device.


For a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions, see Banno Marketing FAQ.

  1. External applications are integrations that do not require a specific authenticated account to access. ↩︎ ↩︎
