Case Tagging

Sometimes you’ve got more cases coming in than you can easily track. Staring at a daunting list can make it difficult to figure out where to start. That’s where tagging comes in. Customizable, filterable, searchable tags make it easy to keep your cases in order and address them in the best way for your team.

Managing tags

  • Settings
  • Tags

Tags can be managed via the Settings menu, with options to create new tags, edit existing tags, and delete existing tags.

Tags are composed of two elements: a name and a color. When you click Create a tag, a new line will be added with a randomized color and a text entry. Clicking the colored tag icon will produce a color picker overlay which you can use to select a custom color for your new tag.

Editing tags works just like creating a new tag. Edits are saved automatically as you make them, with an “Updates saved” overlay at the bottom of the screen informing you when saving is complete.

The delete icon allows you to remove existing tags. Clicking the delete icon will produce a warning screen including the number of cases that will lose the tag upon deletion.

Adding tags to a case

Tags can be found in the sidebar for each case. Clicking the tag area will open a text entry box with a list of your tags and the ability to start typing a tag name to filter down the list. This can be done whether the case already has tags or not.

When multiple cases are selected from the case list, the Bulk action bar on the bottom of the screen has a tags icon, allowing you to add a tag to multiple cases at the same time.

A “Tag added” message will appear near the bottom of the screen when the changes are saved.

Removing tags from a case

Tags viewable in a case’s sidebar can be removed by clicking the remove tag icon.

A “Tag removed” message will appear near the bottom of the screen when changes are saved.

Searching and filtering

Tags are available as a search parameter in the Inbox search bar inside Banno Support. Using the tag: prefix produces a suggested list of tags to search and filter by, just as you would any other search parameter.

The Search and filtering options menu includes a text box called Include tags. Clicking in this text box propagates a full list of your institution’s created tags, and typing will filter this list on-the-fly. Any tags selected in the Include tags field returns only cases with the listed tags assigned. Cases with both tags are at the top of the list.

Form tags

Form tags automatically generate from the titles of forms your institution has created. You can organize your inbox with them just like custom tags, but you’ll need to update the form title they pair with in the CMS if you want to update the tag name.
