There are several features on the Settings tab that allow your institution to configure information.
Support Hours
- Settings
- Support hours
Under Hours, your institution can determine the hours of operation each day in 30-minute increments, as well as select when closed. Under Reply times, your institution can create text for reply times during support hours, as well as after hours. There is placeholder text initially available that shows the recommended format. The preview on this screen shows a live preview of the text as it’s typed. The message is shown to end users in their app.
Holidays and closures
- Settings
- Holidays and closures
Custom closures that override regular support hours can be created to set end user expectations for reply times during holidays, inclement weather, etc. The closure message overrides the default reply time message.
Email notifications
- Settings
- Email notifications
Your institution can determine who gets notified when end users create or reply to conversations by selecting groups or entering specific email addresses.
Emails sent to support users
Emails are sent to support users configured via the Settings menu. Emails are sent automatically at the following times:
- When a new conversation is started by a user
- When a case has been assigned to a user
- When an unread message hasn’t been seen after 10 minutes have passed
The frequency and conditions for support user notification emails cannot be changed.
In addition to the standard conversations emails, the Forward to group action in Rule Management sends an email to each member of the receiving Group.
Emails sent to end users
End users are sent notification emails at the following times:
- When a new conversation is started by your FI
- When an unread message hasn’t been seen after 10 minutes have passed
The frequency and conditions for end user notification emails cannot be changed.
Saved replies
- Settings
- Saved replies
Saved replies make replying to commonly asked questions easier. The 10 most recent replies appear in the Saved replies list. Support representatives can select Add a reply to complete reply text. In a conversation, your institution can select Insert a saved reply to choose from a list of saved replies to populate in the reply input. Saved replies can be edited in the input field before sending them to end users.
Saved replies can also be used when creating rules for automatically replying to new messages.
Rule management
- Settings
- Rule management
Rule management allows you to automatically route new cases to the people or groups that need to see them first. For more information, see the documentation on case routing.
- Settings
- Tags
Tags can be used to easily categorize, sort, and prioritize cases. For more information, see the documentation on case tagging
- Can we configure when an end user receives an email notification about an unread message in a conversation?
- Emails sent to the end user are not configurable. For more information, see Emails sent to end users