
Users is the one-stop shop for learning everything you need to know about your end users. Access personal and account information, manage permissions, reset passwords, review app activity, and so much more when your admin users need to answer questions or resolve issues.

Banno Business


On the Users dashboard, admin users can quickly filter end users by User type. Different User types include the following:

A Personal end user is any type of end user who’s not a Member of an organization or an Organization.
Member of an organization
A Member of an organization is an end user whose organization uses Banno Business. The NetTeller ID for a Member of an organization matches their organization’s NetTeller ID.
An Organization is a business that uses Banno Business. This type of user profile contains details about the business, users who belong to the organization, and entitlement permissions. The NetTeller ID for an Organization matches all of its associated members of the organization.

An admin user can also search for an organization and organization user by the name, user name, and email. For banks, organization users can be searched by CIF number. For credit unions, organization users can be searched by member number.


The Permissions page gives you access to view and control how organizations and organizations users transfer money. If an entitlement, such as Transfers, Wires, etc., needs to be enabled or disabled, first set the permission for the organization. Then, set the permission for the member of an organization. Entitlements may vary from organization to organization and can include the following:

  • ACH
  • ARP/Positive pay
  • Card management
  • Stop payments
  • Transfers
  • Wires
  • User management
For extensive information on entitlements and how permissions are managed by your institution and organization users, check out User Management and User Management entitlements and permissions.


  • Users
  • organization profile
  • Permissions
  • Organization permissions

Organization level permissions allow members of an organization access to an entitlement and are managed in the organization’s profile. If any organization user needs to use an entitlement, it must be enabled at this organization level.

Member of an organization

  • Users
  • organization user profile
  • Permissions
  • Organization user permissions

Organization user permissions allow specific members of an organization access to an entitlement and are managed in the organization user’s profile. If the organization user needs to use an entitlement, it must be enabled at this organization user level.

If you select View all at the bottom of the Organization user permissions section, entitlements and feature entitlements display. Feature entitlements that appear under an entitlement are only viewable—not managable—in the admin app. For managing feature entitlement permissions, an organization admin has the ability to do so with User management in Banno Online.


  • Users
  • organization user profile
  • Permissions
  • Accounts

The list of accounts associated with an organization can be viewed in the Accounts section. When you select a specific account, the organization user’s account permissions for entitlements and feature entitlements display in a new screen. These permissions are managed by organization admins using User management in Banno Online.

Banno Business FAQ

What’s the difference between an entitlement and a feature entitlement?
An entitlement is the overall functionality that an organization user moves funds with, such ACH, Wires, Transfers, etc. A feature entitlement is the specific functionality of an entitlement, such as Initiate ACH, Edit one-time wires, View stop payment, etc.
