
Banno’s messaging functionality allows you to send institution-level messages, or messages to specific segments of your end users. It’s pretty simple, but it’s packed with options to make the most of your messages.

How it works

  • People
  • Messages

Navigating to the Messages screen displays all messages you’ve created by title and description, as well as their status and their last updated date. Clicking a message allows you to edit messages via the same view as creating a new message.

Creating a message

Selecting either an existing message or the Create message button takes the user to a message screen with the following components.

The subject for the message, which end users will first view when receiving a message.
The segment to which the message will be distributed. By default this is set to All users, but this can be set to any segment you’ve created. Below the drop down, there is also an option to + Create new segment
The message can be created via this editor, with a full range of text editing features. The message can also viewed via the preview link, allowing the user to see both Android and iOS views of the message.

Message settings

Schedule message
The user selects the date and time to send the message, or selects the Send now checkbox.
Message expiration
The user selects a date and time for the message to expire, or selects the Does not expire checkbox.
Send a push notification
Selecting the Send notification checkbox sends a push notification to end users when the message is sent. This respects the quiet hours 11pm to 7:30am central time, and messages sent during these hours will be delivered after 7:30am. Custom push notification can be set, and can contain up to 150 characters.
If you include a push notification with the message, we stagger sending push notifications at a rate of 300 per minute. This helps prevent a massive influx of end users logging in. Depending on your number of end users, everyone should receive the push notification within a few hours.
