Database-only permissions

While most permissions are configurable via the Banno Settings app, a handful of admin privileges require additional details and must be configured by working with an Implementation Coordinator or Technical Service Representative. These can be set at the Group level of Banno People, with the following permissions available.

View employee accounts

If you have enabled the Employee flag feature, your institution admin users are unable to see other employees’ account information. The View employee accounts permission allows certain admin users to view employee account information. In addition to enabling this permission at the group level, your Implementation Coordinator or Technical Service Representative needs to enable this permission at the individual admin user level. An admin user can only view employee information if they are a part of a group with this permission and they have the individual permission enabled for their user.

Employee accounts are identified based on the type of financial institution: Banks
Bank employees are identified via Insider Code Maintenance records. Any admin user with a matching code will be flagged as an employee.

Credit unions
Credit union employees are identified if they have an account type matching employee or employee-related account types. If Restricted Access Codes are provided during the onboarding process, these are used as an additional identifier to flag employee accounts.
