Spanish support

It’s important to speak to your end users in their own language. It builds confidence and trust in your institution, allowing them to feel assured that you’re thinking of them when making decisions. With Banno’s Spanish support functionality, we seamlessly translate our app to Spanish without need for additional work from your team. You can rest assured that your Spanish-speaking end users will get the same quality experience that your English-speaking end users enjoy. Want to know how it works? It’s simple as can be.


Activating Spanish support requires the following:

  • Contract: Contact your Digital Sales Executive to get started.
  • Additional configuration: An implementation or support representative will complete the process and reach out to you as needed.
  • Correct OS settings: Spanish language is activated based on the end user’s operating system settings. If they’ve set their operating system’s language to Spanish and your institution has Spanish support activated, all client strings are automatically translated in the app.

Client strings vs server strings

Spanish support translates all client strings, but the terminology can be a bit tricky to understand. Luckily, it’s less complex than it seems. Put simply:

The words and phrases that make up the messages and text found in the app.
Client strings
Strings stored and generated from the app itself. This includes system messages, menu items, and most text that looks like a key part of the app’s UI. These are translated with Spanish support.
Server strings
Strings returned by the server when requests are sent out. This includes items modified by user input, such as account names. These are not a part of the translation database and are not translated.

This means that text that is a part of the app UI are translated while user-and-institution-generated text like account names are not.

Collateral doc

For information about Spanish support in a PDF format, visit the Digital Banking section of our product collateral page.
