← Export Reports


Active Users

Know the number of end users, when they use your app, and how often by downloading the Active users report. This report displays end users’ whose latest login to Banno Apps occurred during the report’s date range as shown in the Latest Mobile Use and Latest Online Use columns.


Know the number of end users and when they initially started using your app by downloading the Signups report. This report displays end users who logged into a Banno App for the first time during the reports’s date range as shown in the Activation column.

Login audit

Know whether or not (and when) end users successfully login to your app by downloading the Login audit report. The Login audit report offers up to six months of end user logins prior to the date the export is requested. This report displays end users who logged into a Banno App (or attempted to) during the report’s date range as shown in the When column. It also shows the status of each successful and attempted login in the Progress column.


Know when end users successfully enrolled or attempted enrollment in your app by downloading the Enrollments export. As an end user enrolls, they go through a series of steps that includes providing personal identification information in the New user enrollment window, verifying a 2FA code, and creating a username and password. They might successfully enroll, encounter an issue, or abandon the process, and this export shows the status of each enrollment in the Progress column.

What do the exported fields mean?

Based on the export selected and data available, several of the following fields are shown in the report. In alphabetical order, the possible fields for Engagement reports include:[^2]

Account number
The account number for the account used to enroll in digital banking.
The date and time an end user successfully logged into your app for the first time.
The number of times an end user logged in to your app.
The Customer Information File (CIF) number assigned to end users whose banking institution uses Silverlake, CIF 20/20, or Core Director.1 This field does not apply to credit union customers and displays as an empty value.
The email address associated with the end user using your app.
Enrolled in App
The date and time the end user first logged on to Banno Mobile.
First name
The first name of the end user logged in to your app. For end users with Business as their User Type, the field is blank.1
IP Address/IP
A series of numbers identifying the device from which an end user logged in or enrolled in digital banking.
Last Approval Request
The date and time when the end user last enrolled in RDC.
Last name
The last name of the end user logged in to your app.1 For end users with Business as their User Type, their first name also displays in the field. If a last name displays repeatedly, end users tied to the account have different usernames from one another.
Last Updated
The date and time when the last status (progress) update occurred for the end user in the digital banking enrollment process.
Latest Mobile Use
The most recent date and time an end user logged into Banno Mobile during the export’s date range. If this field is not applicable (empty) for all end users in the export, the column doesn’t display.
Latest Online Use
The most recent date and time an end user logged into Banno Online during the export’s date range. If this field is not applicable (empty) for all end users in the export, the column doesn’t display.
NetTeller ID
An end user’s assigned digital banking ID for NetTeller.1 The formatting of this field varies depending on the program used to view the CSV. If the field does not appear correctly, or if it shows the same NetTeller ID for each end user, try increasing the column width or changing the column format to number and making sure the number of decimal places is set to zero. Not every institution has NetTeller IDs assigned to end users, because some institutions migrated to Jack Henry without ever using NetTeller. Other institutions transitioned away from not using NetTeller, so end users may or may not have an ID. If this field is not applicable (empty) for all end users in the export, the column doesn’t display.
The phone number associated with the end user who logged in to your app.
Progress (Enrolled users export)
The recorded status of where the end user is in the digital banking enrollment process. Listed in alphabetical order, possible statuses include:
2FA failure
2FA authentication failed due to an issue with the third-party that provides the 2FA code.
2FA incorrect code
The end user submitted an incorrect 2FA code.
2FA success
The end user successfully verified a 2FA code, but they didn’t create their username and password credentials.
The end user successfully completed the enrollment process.
Episys failure
Enrollment was unsuccessful because of a call issue to core. For credit unions, this could include an invalid username.
Failed to get if the CU is in memo mode
This status applies to credit unions only. The call to SymXchange failed, and it’s not determined if the institution was in memo mode or not.1
Institution not found
The institution ID doesn’t exist.
Invalid credentials
The end user successfully submitted personal identification credentials, verified a 2FA code, and had already submitted a username and password for registration in the core. However, the submitted username and/or password login credentials didn’t satisfy the institution’s rules for usernames and passwords. One rule example includes the password needing to be at least eight characters long for security purposes, but the end user submitted a password with five characters.1
Lookup authentication failure
The end user requested the 2FA code to resend, but the call to the third-party 2FA code provider failed.
Lookup success
The end user successfully provided matching personal identification information, but didn’t verify a 2FA code. For credit unions, this could include a changing dynamic IP address as they attempted to verify a 2FA code.
Netteller failure
Enrollment was unsuccessful because of an issue with NetTeller.
Not authenticated
Enrollment was unsuccessful due to an error in the authentication process. This can also occur when a step in the process is performed out of order.
Phone number doesn’t match
The end user attempted enrolling with a phone number that doesn’t match the phone number in core.
Server failure
Enrollment was unsuccessful as a result of an issue with the server.
The CU is in memo mode
This status applies to credit unions only. The end user attempted to enroll during memo mode, and they need to wait until the institution is out of memo mode to enroll.1
The user is too young
The end user’s age didn’t meet the minimum age as determined by the institution.1
The user’s age is not found
Core was unable to determine the end user’s age.
The user’s symx member number is invalid
The end user used an invalid member number, such as a wrong format.
Too many attempts
The report only shows this progress status for credit unions, because banks have a similar rate-limiting feature already implemented in the NetTeller-BSL. Over the 48-hour period preceding the attempt, there were too many attempts to initiate an enrollment. These may have been either too many attempts using the same Social Security Number (a.k.a. Tax Identification Number) or from the same IP Address. For security reasons, Banno Apps incorporate a rate-limiting feature, intended to prevent a malicious user who may get hold of the SSN from impersonating the end user and taking control of their account by enrolling.
Unknown error
A generic status for an unsuccessful enrollment we couldn’t identify.
User already enrolled
The end user is already enrolled, or they submitted a TIN/account number pair that’s already enrolled.
User is restricted from enrollment
The institution restricted the end user from enrolling.1
User not in core
The end user provided incorrect personal identification information that core didn’t recognize.
Progress (Login audit export)
The recorded status each time Banno authenticates an end user’s login or attempted login to Banno Apps. Except for Success, all statuses indicate the end user unable to login in. Listed in alphabetical order, possible statuses include:
Cash Management Access Denied
The Cash Management user attempted logging in with the incorrect username.
Cash Management Held
The Cash Management user was prevented from logging in because they’re in a held status.1
Cash Management Not Supported
An institution doesn’t support Cash Management and the CM user attempted logging in.
Customer Not Found
This status applies to banks only. The Business Services Layer didn’t recognize the end user’s ID.
The end user’s account was dormant.1
There was an authentication issue on the server.
Invalid Credentials
The end user provided an incorrect username or password.1
The end user’s account was locked.1
Member Number Changed
The end user’s account number (member number) and username no longer match. This can happen to credit union members who are registered in Banno—have used Banno at least once—with a given username and member number, or a member has had either their username or member number modified.[^]
No Valid Account
This status applies to banks only. The end user’s account status was inactive (not valid) in core.
Outside Allowable Time
A Cash Management user attempted logging in outside an allowable time. CM Users can have allowable times set to login to an account, so the CM user needs to talk with the account owner and have the allowable time adjusted.1
Service Unavailable
While this status is rare, the end user attempted logging in to their digital banking account for the first while core was unavailable or offline.
The end user provided a valid username and password and successfully logged in to the Banno App.
Too Many Attempts
The end user attempted too many incorrect logins on the same day.
Unknown IP Address
When an institution has configured IP restrictions in NetTeller Back Office and the Cash Management user attempts logging in from an IP Address affected by the restrictions.1 It only applies to logins with a password (not mobile syncs). This status could also occur when the BSL doesn’t recognize the IP Address.
The date and time when the end user started enrolling in digital banking.
The last four digits in the end user’s Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
An end user’s digital banking username.
User type
Individual or Business differentiates between consumer and Cash Management users. Individual indicates consumers and Business indicates Cash Management users.
The date and time of every login and attempted login to Banno Apps during the export’s date range. Times are reported using the time zone set for your institution.


How do I view fields that display incorrectly or the same for each end user?
We suggest changing the column format to what it should be (ex. number, text, etc.). If you’re changing the format to a number, make sure the number of decimal places is set to zero.

  1. For additional information regarding account information, configurations, etc., refer to your core and/or NetTeller documentation. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎