Unified Identity Service

End users can be associated with a lot of accounts. With our Unified Identity Service (UIS) all of those accounts are tied to a single, unified user in our system. This means one login, one user, and less to keep track of for end users across the board.

The login experience

UIS changes the login flow for apps, such as Treasury Management, to the standard Digital Platform login experience. When an end user attempts to log into their app of choice, they will be immediately redirected to the Digital login flow, authenticate within this flow, then be returned to their app fully authenticated. It’s simple as can be.

Identity app

The Identity app is located in the lefthand menu of Banno Admin. This allows your team to search for specific users’ unified identity profile, viewing, editing, and managing the results.

Utilizing the Identity app provides controls similar to those found in Banno People, with views for both an security and activity. While security settings will temporarily be available in both People and Identity, these controls will move entirely to Identity in a future update.

Those without any Banno apps can still utilize the Banno functionality for editing a profile’s security settings directly from their app. For example, Treasury Management users can navigate to the Profile & Preferences screen and select the Security and Password Settings to navigate to the same screens and abilities located in Banno Admin. After editing these settings, you can navigate directly back to the Treasury Management app.


Selecting the Identity settings button presents your team with a number of settings for the identity app as a whole.

Code delivery methods

This defines the available 2-step verification codes sent to end users. Each can be toggled to allow or disallow each method. Available methods include:

  • Authy
  • Phone/Text message
  • Authenticator app
  • Symantec hardware/software tokens
  • FIDO roaming tokens

Short code

This option controls whether or not all codes sent via text or SMS are sent from a five digit short code. Once activated, this feature cannot be deactivated.
