Form Builder

Sometimes you need to hear from your users. Whether it’s requesting an appointment, giving some vital feedback, or inquiring about interest rates, Banno’s form builder gives you the tools to make custom form entry pages for your website. Whether you want to take a sample template or make your own form from scratch, we’ve got you covered.

The form builder landing

  • Banno CMS
  • Form builder

The form builder menu provides a list of all created forms, including the time they were last edited. Selecting an existing form allows you to edit that form, while the Create a form button allows you to create a new form. Both methods will bring you into the form builder.

The form builder

The form builder utilizes a simple drag-and-drop interface to order elements, such as text entry and section divisions. A delete icon can be used to remove fields. When creating a new form, a prompt will ask for a name and allow you to select a template. The form’s name will appear in the list of mailbox filters.

While selecting to start from scratch will provide an empty form to add to, selecting a template will pre-populate a number of fields tailored to one of several common form types:

  • Contact us
  • Give feedback
  • Was this helpful?
  • Newsletter sign-up
  • SBA Debt Relief

Whether using a template or creating from scratch, forms are fully editable and utilize the same components. These are broken into three sections:

  • Smart fields
  • Basic fields
  • Layout

Smart fields

Smart fields provide entry fields intended to collect specific pieces of information commonly used in forms. These fields have some additional configuration options, but by default use the most common standards and can be used as-is. All smart fields include a CSS classname value to allow for custom styling.

Basic fields

Basic fields represent the basic field types available on web and mobile devices, such as text entry areas and dropdown selectors. Data that is not represented in smart fields can be collected by creating a custom basic field.


The layout section includes any formatting options needed to make your form look great. Whether you’re adding some text to guide end users through your form or adding dividers to make it easier to read, layout options can make sure your form feels just right.